Commit 76af4b37 authored by gabrieldemarmiesse's avatar gabrieldemarmiesse

Changed according to the review.

parent 0b3e10cd
.. _pxd_files:
pxd files
......@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ Cython file types
There are three file types in Cython:
* The implementation files, carrying a ``.pyx`` suffix.
* The implementation files, carrying a ``.py`` or ``.pyx`` suffix.
* The definition files, carrying a ``.pxd`` suffix.
* The include files, carrying a ``.pxi`` suffix.
......@@ -553,9 +553,13 @@ The implementation file
The implementation file, as the name suggest, contains the implementation
of your functions, classes, extension types, etc. Nearly all the
python syntax is supported in this file. Most of the time, a ``.py``
file can be converted into a ``.pyx`` file without changing
any code, and Cython will retain the python behavior, with a
slight speed boost.
file can be renamed into a ``.pyx`` file without changing
any code, and Cython will retain the python behavior.
It is possible for Cython to compile both ``.py`` and ``.pyx`` files.
The name of the file isn't important if one wants to use only the Python syntax,
and Cython won't change the generated code depending on the suffix used.
Though, if one want to use the Cython syntax, using a ``.pyx`` file is necessary.
In addition to the Python syntax, the user can also
leverage Cython syntax (such as ``cdef``) to use C variables, can
......@@ -563,13 +567,17 @@ declare functions as ``cdef`` or ``cpdef`` and can import C definitions
with :keyword:`cimport`. Many other Cython features usable in implementation files
can be found throughout this page and the rest of the Cython documentation.
There are some restrictions on the implementation part of an extension type
There are some restrictions on the implementation part of some :ref:`extension-types`
if the corresponding definition file also defines that type.
.. note::
When a ``.pyx`` file is compiled, Cython first checks to see if a corresponding
``.pxd`` file exists and processes it first.
``.pxd`` file exists and processes it first. It acts like a header file for
a Cython ``.pyx`` file. You can put inside functions that will be used by
other Cython modules. This allows different Cython modules to use functions
and classes from each other without the Python overhead. To read more about
what how to do that, you can see :ref:`pxd_files`.
The definition file
......@@ -579,7 +587,6 @@ A definition file is used to declare various things.
Any C declaration can be made, and it can be also a declaration of a C variable or
function implemented in a C/C++ file. This can be done with ``cdef extern from``.
Sometimes, ``.pxd`` files are used as a translation of C/C++ header files
into a syntax that Cython can understand. This allows then the C/C++ variable and
functions to be used directly in implementation files with :keyword:`cimport`.
......@@ -596,7 +603,7 @@ wants to access :keyword:`cdef` attributes and methods, or to inherit from
.. note::
You don't need to (and shouldn't) declare anything in a declaration file
public in order to make it available to other Cython modules; its mere
:keyword:`public` in order to make it available to other Cython modules; its mere
presence in a definition file does that. You only need a public
declaration if you want to make something available to external C code.
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