Commit 774924bf authored by Egor Dranischnikow's avatar Egor Dranischnikow

using unittest.TestCase rather than CythonTest

parent 3b403eb6
from Cython.Build.Cythonize import create_args_parser, parse_args_raw, parse_args
from Cython.TestUtils import CythonTest
from unittest import TestCase
class TestCythonizeArgsParser(CythonTest):
class TestCythonizeArgsParser(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.parse_args = lambda x, parser=create_args_parser() : parse_args_raw(parser, x)
......@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ class TestCythonizeArgsParser(CythonTest):
self.assertEqual(options.build_inplace, True)
self.assertTrue(self.are_default(options, ['build_inplace']))
class TestParseArgs(CythonTest):
class TestParseArgs(TestCase):
def test_build_set_for_inplace(self):
options, args = parse_args(['foo.pyx', '-i'])
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