Commit 77a581d9 authored by Lisandro Dalcin's avatar Lisandro Dalcin

remove is_longlong member from class PyrexType

parent 9a159276
......@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ class PyrexType(BaseType):
# is_extension_type boolean Is a Python extension type
# is_numeric boolean Is a C numeric type
# is_int boolean Is a C integer type
# is_longlong boolean Is a long long or unsigned long long.
# is_float boolean Is a C floating point type
# is_complex boolean Is a C complex type
# is_void boolean Is the C void type
......@@ -82,7 +81,6 @@ class PyrexType(BaseType):
is_builtin_type = 0
is_numeric = 0
is_int = 0
is_longlong = 0
is_float = 0
is_complex = 0
is_void = 0
......@@ -521,7 +519,7 @@ class CNumericType(CType):
def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
base = public_decl(self.sign_and_name(), dll_linkage)
if for_display and self.is_longlong:
if for_display:
base = base.replace('PY_LONG_LONG', 'long long')
return self.base_declaration_code(base, entity_code)
......@@ -680,13 +678,11 @@ class CULongType(CUIntType):
class CLongLongType(CIntType):
is_longlong = 1
to_py_function = "PyLong_FromLongLong"
class CULongLongType(CUIntType):
is_longlong = 1
to_py_function = "PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong"
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