Commit 81c3fbd3 authored by Mark Florisson's avatar Mark Florisson

Fail gracefully on import instead of cimport from cython.view

parent 1fc34d3b
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ STOP_ERR = "Axis specification only allowed in the 'step' slot."
STEP_ERR = "Step must be omitted, 1, or a valid specifier."
BOTH_CF_ERR = "Cannot specify an array that is both C and Fortran contiguous."
INVALID_ERR = "Invalid axis specification."
NOT_CIMPORTED_ERR = "Variable was not cimported from cython.view"
EXPR_ERR = "no expressions allowed in axis spec, only names and literals."
CF_ERR = "Invalid axis specification for a C/Fortran contiguous array."
ERR_UNINITIALIZED = ("Cannot check if memoryview %s is initialized without the "
......@@ -897,8 +898,13 @@ def _resolve_NameNode(env, node):
resolved_name = env.lookup(
except AttributeError:
raise CompileError(node.pos, INVALID_ERR)
viewscope = env.global_scope().context.cython_scope.viewscope
return viewscope.lookup(resolved_name)
entry = viewscope.lookup(resolved_name)
if entry is None:
raise CompileError(node.pos, NOT_CIMPORTED_ERR)
return entry
def _resolve_AttributeNode(env, node):
path = []
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