Commit 832fe4fd authored by Vitja Makarov's avatar Vitja Makarov

Add control flow testcases

parent b40ce510
# cython: warn.maybe_uninitialized=True
# mode: error
# tag: werror
def simple():
print a
a = 0
def simple2(arg):
if arg > 0:
a = 1
return a
def simple_pos(arg):
if arg > 0:
a = 1
a = 0
return a
def ifelif(c1, c2):
if c1 == 1:
if c2:
a = 1
a = 2
elif c1 == 2:
a = 3
return a
def nowimpossible(a):
if a:
b = 1
if a:
print b
def fromclosure():
def bar():
print a
a = 1
return bar
# Should work ok in both py2 and py3
def list_comp(a):
return [i for i in a]
def set_comp(a):
return set(i for i in a)
def dict_comp(a):
return {i: j for i, j in a}
# args and kwargs
def generic_args_call(*args, **kwargs):
return args, kwargs
# Disable for now
## def withctx(ctx):
## with ctx:
## pass
## with ctx as foo:
## print(foo)
_ERRORS = """
6:11: local variable 'a' referenced before assignment
12:12: local variable 'a' might be referenced before assignment
29:12: local variable 'a' might be referenced before assignment
35:15: local variable 'b' might be referenced before assignment
# cython: warn.maybe_uninitialized=True
# mode: error
# tag: werror
# class scope
def foo(c):
class Foo(object):
if c > 0:
b = 1
print a, b
a = 1
return Foo
_ERRORS = """
10:15: local variable 'a' referenced before assignment
10:18: local variable 'b' might be referenced before assignment
# cython: warn.maybe_uninitialized=True
# mode: error
# tag: werror
def foo(x):
a = 1
del a, b
b = 2
return a, b
_ERRORS = """
7:9: Deletion of non-Python, non-C++ object
7:12: local variable 'b' referenced before assignment
7:12: Deletion of non-Python, non-C++ object
9:12: local variable 'a' referenced before assignment
# cython: warn.maybe_uninitialized=True
# mode: error
# tag: werror
def exc_target():
except KeyError, e:
except IndexError, i:
return e, i
def exc_body():
a = 1
except Exception:
return a
def exc_else_pos():
except Exception, e:
e = 1
return e
def exc_body_pos(d):
a = d['foo']
except KeyError:
a = None
return a
def exc_pos():
a = 1
except Exception:
a = 1
return a
def exc_finally():
a = 1
return a
def exc_finally2():
a = 1
return a
def exc_assmt_except(a):
x = a
return x
def exc_assmt_finaly(a):
x = a
return x
_ERRORS = """
12:12: local variable 'e' might be referenced before assignment
12:15: local variable 'i' might be referenced before assignment
19:12: local variable 'a' might be referenced before assignment
63:16: local variable 'x' might be referenced before assignment
69:16: local variable 'x' might be referenced before assignment
# cython: warn.maybe_uninitialized=True
# mode: error
# tag: werror
def simple_for(n):
for i in n:
a = 1
return a
def simple_for_break(n):
for i in n:
a = 1
return a
def simple_for_pos(n):
for i in n:
a = 1
a = 0
return a
def simple_target(n):
for i in n:
return i
def simple_target_f(n):
for i in n:
i *= i
return i
_ERRORS = """
8:12: local variable 'a' might be referenced before assignment
14:12: local variable 'a' might be referenced before assignment
26:12: local variable 'i' might be referenced before assignment
31:12: local variable 'i' might be referenced before assignment
# cython: language_level=2, warn.maybe_uninitialized=True
# mode: error
# tag: werror
def list_comp(a):
r = [i for i in a]
return i
# dict comp is py3 feuture and don't leak here
def dict_comp(a):
r = {i: j for i, j in a}
return i, j
def dict_comp2(a):
r = {i: j for i, j in a}
print i, j
i, j = 0, 0
_ERRORS = """
7:12: local variable 'i' might be referenced before assignment
12:12: undeclared name not builtin: i
12:15: undeclared name not builtin: j
16:11: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment
16:14: local variable 'j' referenced before assignment
# cython: language_level=3, warn.maybe_uninitialized=True
# mode: error
# tag: werror
def list_comp(a):
r = [i for i in a]
i = 0
return r
def dict_comp(a):
r = {i: j for i, j in a}
i = 0
return r
_ERRORS = """
7:11: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment
13:11: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment
# cython: warn.maybe_uninitialized=True
# mode: error
# tag: werror
def simple_while(n):
while n > 0:
n -= 1
a = 0
return a
def simple_while_break(n):
while n > 0:
n -= 1
a = 1
return a
def simple_while_pos(n):
while n > 0:
n -= 1
a = 0
a = 1
return a
_ERRORS = """
9:12: local variable 'a' might be referenced before assignment
17:12: local variable 'a' might be referenced before assignment
# cython: warn.unused=True, warn.unused_arg=True, warn.unused_result=True
# mode: error
# tag: werror
def unused_variable():
a = 1
def unused_cascade(arg):
a, b = arg.split()
return a
def unused_arg(arg):
def unused_result():
r = 1 + 1
r = 2
return r
def unused_nested():
def unused_one():
def unused_class():
class Unused:
# this should not generate warning
def used(x, y):
x.y = 1
y[0] = 1
lambda x: x
_ERRORS = """
6:6: Unused entry 'a'
9:9: Unused entry 'b'
12:15: Unused argument 'arg'
16:6: Unused result in 'r'
21:4: Unused entry 'unused_one'
25:4: Unused entry 'Unused'
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