Commit 83966ef6 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

imported added files of Pyrex

parent 3588f4a6
# Pyrex - Builtin Definitions
from Symtab import BuiltinScope
from TypeSlots import Signature
builtin_function_table = [
# name, args, return, C API func, has py equiv = True
('abs', "O", "O", "PyNumber_Absolute"),
#('chr', "", "", ""),
#('cmp', "", "", "", ""), # int PyObject_Cmp(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2, int *result)
#('compile', "", "", ""), # PyObject* Py_CompileString( char *str, char *filename, int start)
('delattr', "OO", "r", "PyObject_DelAttr"),
('dir', "O", "O", "PyObject_Dir"),
('divmod', "OO", "O", "PyNumber_Divmod"),
#('eval', "", "", ""),
#('execfile', "", "", ""),
#('filter', "", "", ""),
('getattr', "OO", "O", "PyObject_GetAttr"),
('hasattr', "OO", "i", "PyObject_HasAttr"),
('hash', "O", "i", "PyObject_Hash"),
#('hex', "", "", ""),
#('id', "", "", ""),
#('input', "", "", ""),
('intern', "s", "O", "PyString_InternFromString"),
('isinstance', "OO", "i", "PyObject_IsInstance"),
('issubclass', "OO", "i", "PyObject_IsSubclass"),
('iter', "O", "O", "PyObject_GetIter"),
('len', "O", "Z", "PyObject_Length"),
#('map', "", "", ""),
#('max', "", "", ""),
#('min', "", "", ""),
#('oct', "", "", ""),
# Not worth doing open, when second argument would become mandatory
#('open', "ss", "O", "PyFile_FromString"),
#('ord', "", "", ""),
('pow', "OOO", "O", "PyNumber_Power"),
#('range', "", "", ""),
#('raw_input', "", "", ""),
#('reduce', "", "", ""),
('reload', "O", "O", "PyImport_ReloadModule"),
('repr', "O", "O", "PyObject_Repr"),
#('round', "", "", ""),
('setattr', "OOO", "r", "PyObject_SetAttr"),
#('sum', "", "", ""),
#('unichr', "", "", ""),
#('unicode', "", "", ""),
#('vars', "", "", ""),
#('zip', "", "", ""),
# Can't do these easily until we have builtin type entries.
#('typecheck', "OO", "i", "PyObject_TypeCheck", False),
#('issubtype', "OO", "i", "PyType_IsSubtype", False),
# Builtin types
# bool
# buffer
# classmethod
# dict
# enumerate
# file
# float
# int
# list
# long
# object
# property
# slice
# staticmethod
# super
# str
# tuple
# type
# xrange
builtin_scope = BuiltinScope()
def declare_builtin_func(name, args, ret, cname, py_equiv = 1):
sig = Signature(args, ret)
type = sig.function_type()
builtin_scope.declare_builtin_cfunction(name, type, cname, py_equiv)
def init_builtin_funcs():
for desc in builtin_function_table:
def init_builtins():
Provides a modified Extension class, that understands hou to describe
Pyrex extension modules in setup scripts."""
__revision__ = "$Id:$"
import os, string, sys
from types import *
import distutils.extension as _Extension
import warnings
except ImportError:
warnings = None
class Extension(_Extension.Extension):
_Extension.Extension.__doc__ + \
"""pyrex_include_dirs : [string]
list of directories to search for Pyrex header files (.pxd) (in
Unix form for portability)
pyrex_create_listing_file : boolean
write pyrex error messages to a listing (.lis) file.
pyrex_cplus : boolean
use the C++ compiler for compiling and linking.
pyrex_c_in_temp : boolean
put generated C files in temp directory.
pyrex_gen_pxi : boolean
generate .pxi file for public declarations
# When adding arguments to this constructor, be sure to update
# user_options.extend in
def __init__ (self, name, sources,
include_dirs = None,
define_macros = None,
undef_macros = None,
library_dirs = None,
libraries = None,
runtime_library_dirs = None,
extra_objects = None,
extra_compile_args = None,
extra_link_args = None,
export_symbols = None,
swig_opts = None,
depends = None,
language = None,
pyrex_include_dirs = None,
pyrex_create_listing = 0,
pyrex_cplus = 0,
pyrex_c_in_temp = 0,
pyrex_gen_pxi = 0,
_Extension.Extension.__init__(self, name, sources,
include_dirs = include_dirs,
define_macros = define_macros,
undef_macros = undef_macros,
library_dirs = library_dirs,
libraries = libraries,
runtime_library_dirs = runtime_library_dirs,
extra_objects = extra_objects,
extra_compile_args = extra_compile_args,
extra_link_args = extra_link_args,
export_symbols = export_symbols,
swig_opts = swig_opts,
depends = depends,
language = language,
self.pyrex_include_dirs = pyrex_include_dirs or []
self.pyrex_create_listing = pyrex_create_listing
self.pyrex_cplus = pyrex_cplus
self.pyrex_c_in_temp = pyrex_c_in_temp
self.pyrex_gen_pxi = pyrex_gen_pxi
# class Extension
read_setup_file = _Extension.read_setup_file
# July 2002, Graham Fawcett
# this hack was inspired by the way Thomas Heller got py2exe
# to appear as a distutil command
# we replace distutils.command.build_ext with our own version
# and keep the old one under the module name _build_ext,
# so that *our* build_ext can make use of it.
from build_ext import build_ext
# Subclasses disutils.command.build_ext,
# replacing it with a Pyrex version that compiles pyx->c
# before calling the original build_ext command.
# July 2002, Graham Fawcett
# Modified by Darrell Gallion <>
# to allow inclusion of .c files along with .pyx files.
# Pyrex is (c) Greg Ewing.
import distutils.command.build_ext
#import Pyrex.Compiler.Main
from Pyrex.Compiler.Main import CompilationOptions, default_options, compile
from Pyrex.Compiler.Errors import PyrexError
from distutils.dep_util import newer
import os
import sys
def replace_suffix(path, new_suffix):
return os.path.splitext(path)[0] + new_suffix
class build_ext (distutils.command.build_ext.build_ext):
description = "compile Pyrex scripts, then build C/C++ extensions (compile/link to build directory)"
def finalize_options (self):
# The following hack should no longer be needed.
if 0:
# compiling with mingw32 gets an "initializer not a constant" error
# doesn't appear to happen with MSVC!
# so if we are compiling with mingw32,
# switch to C++ mode, to avoid the problem
if self.compiler == 'mingw32':
self.swig_cpp = 1
def swig_sources (self, sources, extension = None):
if not self.extensions:
# collect the names of the source (.pyx) files
pyx_sources = []
pyx_sources = [source for source in sources if source.endswith('.pyx')]
other_sources = [source for source in sources if not source.endswith('.pyx')]
#suffix = self.swig_cpp and '.cpp' or '.c'
suffix = '.c'
for pyx in pyx_sources:
# should I raise an exception if it doesn't exist?
if os.path.exists(pyx):
source = pyx
target = replace_suffix(source, suffix)
if newer(source, target) or self.force:
return [replace_suffix(src, suffix) for src in pyx_sources] + other_sources
def pyrex_compile(self, source):
options = CompilationOptions(default_options,
include_path = self.include_dirs)
result = compile(source, options)
if result.num_errors <> 0:
# Setup file for compiling _Filemodule_patched.c
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
ext_modules = [
Extension("_File", ["_Filemodule_patched.c"])
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