Commit 84ce8038 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Const tests.

parent d1a536dd
# mode: compile
cdef const_args(const int a, const int *b, const (int*) c):
print a
print b[0]
b = NULL # OK, the pointer itself is not const
c[0] = 4 # OK, the value is not const
# mode: error
cdef const object o
# TODO: This requires making the assignment at declaration time.
# (We could fake this case by dropping the const here in the C code,
# as it's not needed for agreeing with external libraries.
cdef const int x = 10
cdef func(const int a, const int* b, const (int*) c):
a = 10
b[0] = 100
c = NULL
_ERRORS = """
3:5: Const base type cannot be a Python object
8:5: Assignment to const 'x'
11:6: Assignment to const 'a'
12:5: Assignment to const dereference
13:6: Assignment to const 'c'
# cython: experimental_cpp_class_def=True
# tag: cpp
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
cdef cppclass Wrapper[T]:
T value
__init__(T &value):
this.value = value
void set(T &value):
this.value = value
T get() const:
return this.value
def test_const_get(int x):
>>> test_const_get(10)
cdef const Wrapper[int] *wrapper = new Wrapper[int](x)
return const_get(wrapper[0])
del wrapper
cdef int const_get(const Wrapper[int] wrapper):
return wrapper.get()
def test_const_ref_get(int x):
>>> test_const_ref_get(100)
cdef const Wrapper[int] *wrapper = new Wrapper[int](x)
return const_ref_get(wrapper[0])
del wrapper
cdef int const_ref_get(const Wrapper[int] &wrapper):
return wrapper.get()
def test_const_pointer_get(int x):
>>> test_const_pointer_get(1000)
cdef Wrapper[int] *wrapper = new Wrapper[int](x)
cdef const Wrapper[int] *const_wrapper = wrapper
return const_wrapper.get()
del wrapper
# TODO: parse vector[Wrapper[int]*]
ctypedef Wrapper[int] wrapInt
def test_vector_members(py_a, py_b):
>>> test_vector_members([1, 2, 3], [4,5, 6])
([1, 2, 3], 4)
cdef Wrapper[int] *value
cdef const Wrapper[int] *const_value
cdef vector[const Wrapper[int]*] a
cdef vector[wrapInt*] b
for x in py_a:
a.push_back(new Wrapper[int](x))
for x in py_b:
b.push_back(new Wrapper[int](x))
return vector_members(a, b)
for const_value in a:
del const_value
for value in b:
del value
cdef vector_members(vector[const Wrapper[int]*] a, const vector[wrapInt*] b):
# TODO: Cython-level error.
# b[0].set(100)
# TODO: const_iterator
return [x.get() for x in a], b[0].get()
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