Commit 8ff5f8b8 authored by Mark Florisson's avatar Mark Florisson

Update parsing.pxd

parent d80d8814
......@@ -132,9 +132,10 @@ cdef p_c_complex_base_type(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef p_c_simple_base_type(PyrexScanner s, bint self_flag, bint nonempty, templates = *)
cdef p_buffer_or_template(PyrexScanner s, base_type_node, templates)
cdef bint looking_at_name(PyrexScanner s) except -2
cdef bint looking_at_expr(PyrexScanner s) except -2
cdef object looking_at_expr(PyrexScanner s)# except -2
cdef bint looking_at_base_type(PyrexScanner s) except -2
cdef bint looking_at_dotted_name(PyrexScanner s) except -2
cdef bint looking_at_call(PyrexScanner s) except -2
cdef p_sign_and_longness(PyrexScanner s)
cdef p_opt_cname(PyrexScanner s)
cpdef p_c_declarator(PyrexScanner s, ctx = *, bint empty = *, bint is_type = *, bint cmethod_flag = *,
......@@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ cdef p_visibility(PyrexScanner s, prev_visibility)
cdef p_c_modifiers(PyrexScanner s)
cdef p_c_func_or_var_declaration(PyrexScanner s, pos, ctx)
cdef p_ctypedef_statement(PyrexScanner s, ctx)
cdef p_typelist(PyrexScanner s)
cdef p_decorators(PyrexScanner s)
cdef p_def_statement(PyrexScanner s, list decorators = *)
cpdef p_varargslist(PyrexScanner s, terminator=*, bint annotated = *)
......@@ -2076,7 +2076,7 @@ def looking_at_call(s):
# Unfortunately there's no good way to handle this, as a subsequent call
# to next() will not advance the position until it reads a new token.
position = s.start_line, s.start_col
result = looking_at_expr(s) == '('
result = looking_at_expr(s) == u'('
if not result:
s.start_line, s.start_col = position
return result
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