Commit a6dd7125 authored by scoder's avatar scoder

Merge pull request #294 from kwmsmith/docs/update-epd-to-canopy

DOC: Updates EPD references to refer to Canopy
parents e9555bb4 c57ad5fb
Installing Cython
Many scientific Python distributions, such as the Enthought Python
Distribution [EPD]_, Python(x,y) [Pythonxy]_, and Sage [Sage]_, bundle
Cython and no setup is needed. Note however that if your distribution
ships a version of Cython which is too old you can still use the
instructions below to update Cython. Everything in this tutorial
should work with Cython 0.11.2 and newer, unless a footnote says
Many scientific Python distributions, such as Enthought Canopy
[Canopy]_, Python(x,y) [Pythonxy]_, and Sage [Sage]_, bundle Cython
and no setup is needed. Note however that if your distribution ships a
version of Cython which is too old you can still use the instructions
below to update Cython. Everything in this tutorial should work with
Cython 0.11.2 and newer, unless a footnote says otherwise.
Unlike most Python software, Cython requires a C compiler to be
present on the system. The details of getting a C compiler varies
......@@ -24,11 +23,11 @@ according to the system used:
- **Windows** A popular option is to use the open source MinGW (a
Windows distribution of gcc). See the appendix for instructions for
setting up MinGW manually. EPD and Python(x,y) bundle MinGW, but
some of the configuration steps in the appendix might still be
necessary. Another option is to use Microsoft's Visual C. One must
then use the same version which the installed Python was compiled
setting up MinGW manually. Enthought Canopy and Python(x,y) bundle
MinGW, but some of the configuration steps in the appendix might
still be necessary. Another option is to use Microsoft's Visual C.
One must then use the same version which the installed Python was
compiled with.
.. dagss tried other forms of ReST lists and they didn't look nice
.. with rst2latex.
......@@ -47,6 +46,6 @@ able to fetch Cython from PyPI and install it using::
For Windows there is also an executable installer available for
.. [EPD]
.. [Canopy]
.. [Pythonxy]
.. [Sage] W. Stein et al., Sage Mathematics Software,
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