Commit c116847b authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

Update changelog.

parent 566ecc3b
......@@ -94,6 +94,11 @@ Features added
C macro automatically when ``numpy`` is imported in the code, to avoid C compiler
warnings about deprecated NumPy C-API usage.
* ``numpy.import_array`` is automatically called if ``numpy`` has been cimported
and it has not been called in the module code. This is intended as a hidden
fail-safe so user code should continue to call ``numpy.import_array``.
Patch by David Woods. (Github issue #3524)
* The builtin ``abs()`` function can now be used on C numbers in nogil code.
Patch by Elliott Sales de Andrade. (Github issue #2748)
......@@ -121,6 +126,9 @@ Features added
* The Pythran ``shape`` attribute is supported.
Patch by Serge Guelton. (Github issue #3307)
* The Cython AST code serialiser class ``CodeWriter`` in ``Cython.CodeWriter``
supports more syntax nodes.
Bugs fixed
......@@ -194,6 +202,9 @@ Bugs fixed
* Memoryviews failed to compile when the ``cache_builtins`` feature was disabled.
Patch by David Woods. (Github issue #3406)
* C++ ``typeid()`` failed for fused types.
Patch by David Woods. (Github issue #3203)
Other changes
......@@ -234,11 +245,6 @@ Other changes
* Support for Python 2.6 was removed.
* ``numpy.import_array`` is automatically called if ``numpy`` has been
``cimported`` and it hasn't been called manually. This is intended
as a hidden fail-safe so user code should continue to call
``numpy.import_array``. (Github issue #3524)
0.29.17 (2020-0?-??)
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