Commit c2c1596c authored by Dag Sverre Seljebotn's avatar Dag Sverre Seljebotn

Buffer test cases

branch : help
parent 1788299e
from Cython.TestUtils import CythonTest
import Cython.Compiler.Errors as Errors
from Cython.Compiler.Nodes import *
from Cython.Compiler.ParseTreeTransforms import *
class TestBufferParsing(CythonTest):
# First, we only test the raw parser, i.e.
# the number and contents of arguments are NOT checked.
# However "dtype"/the first positional argument is special-cased
# to parse a type argument rather than an expression
def parse(self, s):
return self.should_not_fail(lambda: self.fragment(s)).root
def not_parseable(self, expected_error, s):
e = self.should_fail(lambda: self.fragment(s), Errors.CompileError)
self.assertEqual(expected_error, e.message_only)
def test_basic(self):
t = self.parse(u"cdef object[float, 4, ndim=2, foo=foo] x")
bufnode = t.stats[0].base_type
self.assert_(isinstance(bufnode, CBufferAccessTypeNode))
self.assertEqual(2, len(bufnode.positional_args))
# print bufnode.dump()
# should put more here...
def test_type_fail(self):
self.not_parseable("Expected: type",
u"cdef object[2] x")
def test_type_pos(self):
self.parse(u"cdef object[short unsigned int, 3] x")
def test_type_keyword(self):
self.parse(u"cdef object[foo=foo, dtype=short unsigned int] x")
def test_notype_as_expr1(self):
self.not_parseable("Expected: expression",
u"cdef object[foo2=short unsigned int] x")
def test_notype_as_expr2(self):
self.not_parseable("Expected: expression",
u"cdef object[int, short unsigned int] x")
def test_pos_after_key(self):
self.not_parseable("Non-keyword arg following keyword arg",
u"cdef object[foo=1, 2] x")
class TestBufferOptions(CythonTest):
# Tests the full parsing of the options within the brackets
def parse_opts(self, opts):
s = u"cdef object[%s] x" % opts
root = self.fragment(s, pipeline=[PostParse(self)]).root
buftype = root.stats[0].base_type
self.assert_(isinstance(buftype, CBufferAccessTypeNode))
self.assert_(isinstance(buftype.base_type_node, CSimpleBaseTypeNode))
return buftype
def non_parse(self, expected_err, opts):
e = self.should_fail(lambda: self.parse_opts(opts))
self.assertEqual(expected_err, e.message_only)
def test_basic(self):
buf = self.parse_opts(u"unsigned short int, 3")
self.assert_(isinstance(buf.dtype, CSimpleBaseTypeNode))
self.assert_(buf.dtype.signed == 0 and buf.dtype.longness == -1)
self.assertEqual(3, buf.ndim)
def test_dict(self):
buf = self.parse_opts(u"ndim=3, dtype=unsigned short int")
self.assert_(isinstance(buf.dtype, CSimpleBaseTypeNode))
self.assert_(buf.dtype.signed == 0 and buf.dtype.longness == -1)
self.assertEqual(3, buf.ndim)
def test_dtype(self):
self.non_parse(ERR_BUF_MISSING % 'dtype', u"")
def test_ndim(self):
self.parse_opts(u"int, 2")
self.non_parse(ERR_BUF_INT % 'ndim', u"int, 'a'")
self.non_parse(ERR_BUF_NONNEG % 'ndim', u"int, -34")
def test_use_DEF(self):
t = self.fragment(u"""
DEF ndim = 3
cdef object[int, ndim] x
cdef object[ndim=ndim, dtype=int] y
""", pipeline=[PostParse(self)]).root
self.assert_(t.stats[1].base_type.ndim == 3)
self.assert_(t.stats[2].base_type.ndim == 3)
# add exotic and impossible combinations as they come along
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