Commit d0a66db8 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Strip common indentation in inline code.

parent 799bf36b
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def cython_inline(code, types='aggressive', lib_dir=os.path.expanduser('~/.cytho
key = code, arg_sigs
module = code_cache.get(key)
if not module:
module_body, extract_func_code = extract_bodies(code)
module_body, func_body = extract_func_code(code)
params = ', '.join('%s %s' % a for a in arg_sigs)
module_code = """
......@@ -58,13 +58,39 @@ def __invoke(%(params)s):
arg_list = [kwds[arg] for arg in arg_names]
return __import__(module).__invoke(*arg_list)
non_space = re.compile('[^ ]')
def strip_common_indent(lines):
min_indent = None
for line in lines:
if not line:
continue # empty
indent =
if indent == len(line):
continue # blank
elif line[indent] == '#':
continue # comment
elif min_indent is None or min_indent > indent:
min_indent = indent
for line in lines:
if not line:
indent =
if indent == len(line):
elif line[indent] == '#':
yield line
yield line[min_indent:]
module_statement = re.compile(r'^((cdef +(extern|class))|cimport|(from .+ cimport)|(from .+ import +[*]))')
def extract_func_code(code):
module = []
function = []
# TODO: string literals, backslash
current = function
for line in code.split('\n'):
code = code.replace('\t', ' ')
lines = strip_common_indent(code.split('\n'))
for line in lines:
if not line.startswith(' '):
if module_statement.match(line):
current = module
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