Commit ded308ce authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Avoid taking the negation of an unsigned type in int conversion code.

Though this path is never taken for unsigned ints, MSVC still throws
warning C4146.
parent a8fbae1d
......@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ static CYTHON_INLINE {{TYPE}} {{FROM_PY_FUNCTION}}(PyObject *x) {
if (8 * sizeof(unsigned long) > {{_size}} * PyLong_SHIFT) {
__PYX_VERIFY_RETURN_INT({{TYPE}}, {{'long' if _case < 0 else 'unsigned long'}}, {{'-(long) ' if _case < 0 else ''}}{{pylong_join(_size, 'digits')}})
} else if (8 * sizeof({{TYPE}}) - 1 > {{_size}} * PyLong_SHIFT) {
return ({{TYPE}}) {{'-' if _case < 0 else ''}}{{pylong_join(_size, 'digits', TYPE)}};
return ({{TYPE}}) {{'((%s)-1)*' % TYPE if _case < 0 else ''}}{{pylong_join(_size, 'digits', TYPE)}};
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