Commit e2bd21ab authored by Mark Florisson's avatar Mark Florisson

Runtime dispatch to specialized cpdef

parent 2f20794c
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1852,6 +1852,7 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
code.putln("/*--- Function import code ---*/")
for module in imported_modules:
self.specialize_fused_types(module, env)
self.generate_c_function_import_code_for_module(module, env, code)
code.putln("/*--- Execution code ---*/")
......@@ -2059,11 +2060,23 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
if entry.defined_in_pxd:
self.generate_type_import_code(env, entry.type, entry.pos, code)
def specialize_fused_types(self, pxd_env, impl_env):
If fused c(p)def functions are defined in an imported pxd, but not
used in this implementation file, we still have fused entries and
not specialized ones. This method replaces any fused entries with their
specialized ones.
for entry in pxd_env.cfunc_entries[:]:
if entry.type.is_fused:
# This call modifies the cfunc_entries in-place
def generate_c_function_import_code_for_module(self, module, env, code):
# Generate import code for all exported C functions in a cimported module.
entries = []
for entry in module.cfunc_entries:
if entry.defined_in_pxd:
if entry.defined_in_pxd and entry.used:
if entries:
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1144,6 +1144,8 @@ if VALUE is not None:
if node.has_fused_arguments:
node = Nodes.FusedCFuncDefNode(node, self.env_stack[-1])
if node.py_func:
......@@ -1354,17 +1356,9 @@ class AnalyseExpressionsTransform(EnvTransform):
re-analyse the types.
type = node.type
if node.is_fused_index:
if node.type is PyrexTypes.error_type:
node.type = PyrexTypes.error_type
node.base.type = node.type
node.base.entry = getattr(node, 'entry', None) or node.type.entry
node = node.base
if node.is_fused_index and node.type is not PyrexTypes.error_type:
node = node.base
return node
......@@ -62,6 +62,29 @@ class BaseType(object):
is_fused = property(get_fused_types, doc="Whether this type or any of its "
"subtypes is a fused type")
def __lt__(self, other):
For sorting. The sorting order should correspond to the preference of
conversion from Python types.
return NotImplemented
def py_type_name(self):
Return the name of the Python type that can coerce to this type.
def typeof_name(self):
Return the string with which fused python functions can be indexed.
if self.is_builtin_type or self.py_type_name() == 'object':
index_name = self.py_type_name()
index_name = str(self)
return index_name
class PyrexType(BaseType):
# Base class for all Pyrex types.
......@@ -334,6 +357,8 @@ class CTypedefType(BaseType):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.typedef_base_type, name)
def py_type_name(self):
return self.typedef_base_type.py_type_name()
class BufferType(BaseType):
......@@ -418,6 +443,17 @@ class PyObjectType(PyrexType):
return cname
def py_type_name(self):
return "object"
def __lt__(self, other):
Make sure we sort highest, as instance checking on py_type_name
('object') is always true
return False
class BuiltinObjectType(PyObjectType):
# objstruct_cname string Name of PyObject struct
......@@ -514,6 +550,10 @@ class BuiltinObjectType(PyObjectType):
to_object_struct and self.objstruct_cname or "PyObject", # self.objstruct_cname may be None
def py_type_name(self):
class PyExtensionType(PyObjectType):
......@@ -621,6 +661,12 @@ class PyExtensionType(PyObjectType):
return "<PyExtensionType %s%s>" % (self.scope.class_name,
("", " typedef")[self.typedef_flag])
def py_type_name(self):
if not self.module_name:
return "__import__(%r, None, None, ['']).%s" % (self.module_name,
class CType(PyrexType):
......@@ -773,6 +819,17 @@ class CNumericType(CType):
cname=" ")
return True
def __lt__(self, other):
"Sort based on rank, preferring signed over unsigned"
if other.is_numeric:
return self.rank > other.rank and self.signed >= other.signed
return NotImplemented
def py_type_name(self):
if self.rank <= 4:
return "(int, long)"
return "float"
type_conversion_predeclarations = ""
type_conversion_functions = ""
......@@ -1010,6 +1067,9 @@ class CBIntType(CIntType):
def __str__(self):
return 'bint'
def py_type_name(self):
return "bool"
class CPyUCS4IntType(CIntType):
# Py_UCS4
......@@ -1339,6 +1399,9 @@ class CComplexType(CNumericType):
def binary_op(self, op):
return self.lookup_op(2, op)
def py_type_name(self):
return "complex"
complex_ops = {
(1, '-'): 'neg',
(1, 'zero'): 'is_zero',
......@@ -2040,7 +2103,6 @@ class CFuncType(CType):
elif self.cached_specialized_types is not None:
return self.cached_specialized_types
cfunc_entries = self.entry.scope.cfunc_entries
......@@ -2482,6 +2544,10 @@ class CStringType(object):
assert isinstance(value, str)
return '"%s"' % StringEncoding.escape_byte_string(value)
def py_type_name(self):
if self.is_unicode:
return "unicode"
return "bytes"
class CUTF8CharArrayType(CStringType, CArrayType):
# C 'char []' type.
......@@ -2726,6 +2792,8 @@ def best_match(args, functions, pos=None, env=None):
the same weight, we return None (as there is no best match). If pos
is not None, we also generate an error.
from Cython import Utils
# TODO: args should be a list of types, not a list of Nodes.
actual_nargs = len(args)
......@@ -2764,8 +2832,9 @@ def best_match(args, functions, pos=None, env=None):
return candidates[0][0]
elif len(candidates) == 0:
if pos is not None:
if len(errors) == 1:
error(pos, errors[0][1])
func, errmsg = errors[0]
if len(errors) == 1 or [1 for func, e in errors if e == errmsg]:
error(pos, errmsg)
error(pos, "no suitable method found")
return None
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ def sizeof(arg):
return 1
def typeof(arg):
return type(arg)
return arg.__class__.__name__
# return type(arg)
def address(arg):
return pointer(type(arg))([arg])
......@@ -233,9 +234,7 @@ class typedef(CythonType):
return or str(self._basetype)
class _FusedType(CythonType):
def __call__(self, type, value):
return value
def fused_type(*args):
......@@ -613,6 +613,7 @@ def run_forked_test(result, run_func, test_name, fork=True):
module_name = test_name.split()[-1]
# fork to make sure we do not keep the tested module loaded
result_handle, result_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
cimport cython
cy = __import__("cython")
cpdef func1(self, cython.integral x):
print "%s," % (self,),
if cython.integral is int:
print 'x is int', x, cython.typeof(x)
print 'x is long', x, cython.typeof(x)
class A(object):
meth = func1
def __str__(self):
return "A"
pyfunc = func1
def test_fused_cpdef():
>>> test_fused_cpdef()
None, x is int 2 int
None, x is long 2 long
None, x is long 2 long
None, x is int 2 int
None, x is long 2 long
A, x is int 2 int
A, x is long 2 long
A, x is long 2 long
A, x is long 2 long
func1[int](None, 2)
func1[long](None, 2)
func1(None, 2)
pyfunc[](None, 2)
pyfunc(None, 2)
A.meth[](A(), 2)
A.meth(A(), 2)
def assert_raise(func, *args):
except TypeError:
assert False, "Function call did not raise TypeError"
def test_badcall():
>>> test_badcall()
assert_raise(pyfunc, 1, 2, 3)
assert_raise(pyfunc[], 10, 11, 12)
assert_raise(pyfunc, None, object())
ctypedef long double long_double
cpdef multiarg(cython.integral x, cython.floating y):
if cython.integral is int:
print "x is an int,",
print "x is a long,",
if cython.floating is long_double:
print "y is a long double:",
elif float is cython.floating:
print "y is a float:",
print "y is a double:",
print x, y
def test_multiarg():
>>> test_multiarg()
x is an int, y is a float: 1 2.0
x is an int, y is a float: 1 2.0
x is a long, y is a double: 4 5.0
multiarg[int, float](1, 2.0)
multiarg[, cy.float](1, 2.0)
multiarg(4, 5.0)
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ ctypedef int *p_int
def test_pure():
>>> test_pure()
mytype = pure_cython.typedef(pure_cython.fused_type(int, long, complex))
print mytype(10)
......@@ -32,18 +32,20 @@ cdef public class MyExt [ type MyExtType, object MyExtObject ]:
ctypedef char *string_t
ctypedef cython.fused_type(int, float) simple_t
ctypedef cython.fused_type(int, float, string_t) less_simple_t
ctypedef cython.fused_type(mystruct_t, myunion_t, MyExt) object_t
ctypedef cython.fused_type(mystruct_t, myunion_t, MyExt) struct_t
ctypedef cython.fused_type(str, unicode, bytes) builtin_t
cdef object_t add_simple(object_t obj, simple_t simple)
cdef less_simple_t add_to_simple(object_t obj, less_simple_t simple)
cdef public_optional_args(object_t obj, simple_t simple = *)
ctypedef cython.fused_type(float, double) floating
ctypedef cython.fused_type(int, long) integral
cdef struct_t add_simple(struct_t obj, simple_t simple)
cdef less_simple_t add_to_simple(struct_t obj, less_simple_t simple)
cdef public_optional_args(struct_t obj, simple_t simple = *)
cdef class TestFusedExtMethods(object):
cdef floating method(self, integral x, floating y)
cdef cython.floating method(self, cython.integral x, cython.floating y)
cpdef cpdef_method(self, cython.integral x, cython.floating y)
ctypedef cython.fused_type(TestFusedExtMethods, object, list) object_t
cpdef public_cpdef(cython.integral x, cython.floating y, object_t z)
######## header.h ########
......@@ -54,28 +56,37 @@ typedef long extern_long;
cimport cython
cdef object_t add_simple(object_t obj, simple_t simple):
cdef struct_t add_simple(struct_t obj, simple_t simple):
obj.a = <int> (obj.a + simple)
return obj
cdef less_simple_t add_to_simple(object_t obj, less_simple_t simple):
cdef less_simple_t add_to_simple(struct_t obj, less_simple_t simple):
return obj.a + simple
cdef public_optional_args(object_t obj, simple_t simple = 6):
cdef public_optional_args(struct_t obj, simple_t simple = 6):
return obj.a, simple
cdef class TestFusedExtMethods(object):
cdef floating method(self, integral x, floating y):
if integral is int:
cdef cython.floating method(self, cython.integral x, cython.floating y):
if cython.integral is int:
x += 1
if floating is double:
if cython.floating is double:
y += 2.0
return x + y
cpdef cpdef_method(self, cython.integral x, cython.floating y):
return cython.typeof(x), cython.typeof(y)
cpdef public_cpdef(cython.integral x, cython.floating y, object_t z):
return cython.typeof(x), cython.typeof(y), cython.typeof(z)
######## b.pyx ########
cimport cython
cimport a as a_cmod
from a cimport *
cdef mystruct_t mystruct
......@@ -134,9 +145,12 @@ assert obj.method[int, double](x, b) == 14.0
# Test inheritance
cdef class Subclass(TestFusedExtMethods):
cdef floating method(self, integral x, floating y):
cdef cython.floating method(self, cython.integral x, cython.floating y):
return -x -y
cpdef cpdef_method(self, cython.integral x, cython.floating y):
return x, y
cdef Subclass myobj = Subclass()
assert myobj.method[int, float](5, 5.0) == -10
......@@ -147,3 +161,44 @@ assert meth(myobj, 5, 5.0) == -10
meth = myobj.method[int, float]
assert meth(myobj, 5, 5.0) == -10
# Test cpdef functions and methods
cy = __import__("cython")
import a as a_mod
def ae(result, expected):
"assert equals"
if result != expected:
print 'result :', result
print 'expected:', expected
assert result == expected
ae(a_mod.public_cpdef["int, float, list"](5, 6, [7]), ("int", "float", "list"))
ae(a_mod.public_cpdef[int, float, list](5, 6, [7]), ("int", "float", "list"))
idx = cy.typeof(0), cy.typeof(0.0), cy.typeof([])
ae(a_mod.public_cpdef[idx](5, 6, [7]), ("int", "float", "list"))
ae(a_mod.public_cpdef[, cy.double, cython.typeof(obj)](5, 6, obj), ("int", "double", "TestFusedExtMethods"))
ae(a_mod.public_cpdef[, cy.double, cython.typeof(obj)](5, 6, myobj), ("int", "double", "TestFusedExtMethods"))
ae(public_cpdef[int, float, list](5, 6, [7]), ("int", "float", "list"))
ae(public_cpdef[int, double, TestFusedExtMethods](5, 6, obj), ("int", "double", "TestFusedExtMethods"))
ae(public_cpdef[int, double, TestFusedExtMethods](5, 6, myobj), ("int", "double", "TestFusedExtMethods"))
ae(obj.cpdef_method(10, 10.0), ("long", "double"))
ae(myobj.cpdef_method(10, 10.0), (10, 10.0))
ae(obj.cpdef_method[int, float](10, 10.0), ("int", "float"))
ae(myobj.cpdef_method[int, float](10, 10.0), (10, 10.0))
s = """\
import cython as cy
ae(obj.cpdef_method[, cy.float](10, 10.0), ("int", "float"))
ae(myobj.cpdef_method[, cy.float](10, 10.0), (10, 10.0))
d = {'obj': obj, 'myobj': myobj, 'ae': ae}
exec s in d, d
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