Commit ead141e6 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

CTuple type inference, unpacking.

parent e5973b71
......@@ -6073,6 +6073,10 @@ class SequenceNode(ExprNode):
', '.join([ arg.py_result() for arg in self.args ]),
code.error_goto_if_null(target, self.pos)))
elif self.type.is_ctuple:
for i, arg in enumerate(self.args):
code.putln("%s.f%s = %s;" % (
target, i, arg.result()))
# build the tuple/list step by step, potentially multiplying it as we go
if self.type is Builtin.list_type:
......@@ -6446,27 +6450,55 @@ class TupleNode(SequenceNode):
gil_message = "Constructing Python tuple"
def infer_type(self, env):
if self.mult_factor:
return tuple_type
arg_types = [arg.infer_type(env) for arg in self.args]
if any(type.is_pyobject or type.is_unspecified for type in arg_types):
return tuple_type
type = PyrexTypes.c_tuple_type(arg_types)
env.declare_tuple_type(self.pos, type)
return type
def analyse_types(self, env, skip_children=False):
if len(self.args) == 0:
node = self
node.is_temp = False
node.is_literal = True
self.is_temp = False
self.is_literal = True
return self
node = SequenceNode.analyse_types(self, env, skip_children)
for child in node.args:
if not child.is_literal:
if not skip_children:
self.args = [arg.analyse_types(env) for arg in self.args]
if not self.mult_factor and not any(arg.type.is_pyobject for arg in self.args):
self.type = PyrexTypes.c_tuple_type(arg.type for arg in self.args)
env.declare_tuple_type(self.pos, self.type)
self.is_temp = 1
return self
if not node.mult_factor or node.mult_factor.is_literal and \
isinstance(node.mult_factor.constant_result, (int, long)):
node.is_temp = False
node.is_literal = True
node = SequenceNode.analyse_types(self, env, skip_children=True)
for child in node.args:
if not child.is_literal:
if not node.mult_factor.type.is_pyobject:
node.mult_factor = node.mult_factor.coerce_to_pyobject(env)
node.is_temp = True
node.is_partly_literal = True
return node
if not node.mult_factor or node.mult_factor.is_literal and \
isinstance(node.mult_factor.constant_result, (int, long)):
node.is_temp = False
node.is_literal = True
if not node.mult_factor.type.is_pyobject:
node.mult_factor = node.mult_factor.coerce_to_pyobject(env)
node.is_temp = True
node.is_partly_literal = True
return node
def coerce_to(self, dst_type, env):
if self.type.is_ctuple and dst_type.is_ctuple and self.type.size == dst_type.size:
if self.type == dst_type:
return self
coerced_args = [arg.coerce_to(type, env) for arg, type in zip(self.args, dst_type.components)]
return TupleNode(self.pos, args=coerced_args, type=dst_type, is_temp=1)
return SequenceNode.coerce_to(self, dst_type, env)
def is_simple(self):
# either temp or constant => always simple
......@@ -3393,8 +3393,8 @@ def c_tuple_type(components):
.replace('[', '_sbra')
.replace(']', '_sket')
for c in components)
c_tuple_types[components] = tuple_type
return CTupleType(cname, components)
tuple_type = c_tuple_types[components] = CTupleType(cname, components)
return tuple_type
class UnspecifiedType(PyrexType):
import cython
def simple_convert(*o):
>>> simple_convert(1, 2)
......@@ -47,6 +49,22 @@ def unpacking_with_side_effect((int, double) xy):
x, y = side_effect(xy)
return x, y
def packing_tuple(int x, double y):
>>> packing_tuple(1, 2)
(1, 2.0)
cdef (int, double) xy = (x, y)
return xy
def coerce_packing_tuple(int x, int y):
cdef (int, double) xy = (x, y)
>>> coerce_packing_tuple(1, 2)
(1, 2.0)
return xy
def c_types(int a, double b):
>>> c_types(1, 2)
......@@ -54,15 +72,38 @@ def c_types(int a, double b):
cdef int* a_ptr
cdef double* b_ptr
cdef (int*, double*) ab
ab[0] = &a
ab[1] = &b
cdef (int*, double*) ab = (&a, &b)
a_ptr, b_ptr = ab
return a_ptr[0], b_ptr[0]
cpdef (int, double) ctuple_return_type(x, y):
cdef (int, int*) cdef_ctuple_return_type(int x, int* x_ptr):
return x, x_ptr
def call_cdef_ctuple_return_type(int x):
>>> call_cdef_ctuple_return_type(2)
(2, 2)
>>> ctuple_return_type(1, 2)
cdef (int, int*) res = cdef_ctuple_return_type(x, &x)
return res[0], res[1][0]
cpdef (int, double) cpdef_ctuple_return_type(int x, double y):
>>> cpdef_ctuple_return_type(1, 2)
(1, 2.0)
return x, y
def test_type_inference():
>>> test_type_inference()
cdef int x = 1
cdef double y = 2
cdef object o = 3
xy = (x, y)
assert cython.typeof(xy) == "(int, double)", cython.typeof(xy)
xo = (x, o)
assert cython.typeof(xo) == "tuple object", cython.typeof(xo)
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