Commit eec9f0ff authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

trial fix for bizarre build bug

parent bf6f3c10
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cdef class BasicVisitor:
cdef dict dispatch_table
cpdef visit(self, obj)
cdef _visit(self, obj)
cdef _find_handler(self, obj)
cdef find_handler(self, obj)
cdef class TreeVisitor(BasicVisitor):
cdef public list access_path
......@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ class BasicVisitor(object):
handler_method = self.dispatch_table[type(obj)]
except KeyError:
handler_method = self._find_handler(obj)
handler_method = self.find_handler(obj)
self.dispatch_table[type(obj)] = handler_method
return handler_method(obj)
def _find_handler(self, obj):
def find_handler(self, obj):
cls = type(obj)
#print "Cache miss for class %s in visitor %s" % (
# cls.__name__, type(self).__name__)
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