Commit eef2bc65 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Fix buffer access bug when indices are mutated during analysis.

parent 899f01f3
......@@ -3421,11 +3421,8 @@ class IndexNode(_IndexingBaseNode):
elif base_type.is_buffer and len(indices) == base_type.ndim:
# Buffer indexing
is_buffer_access = True
for index in indices:
index = index.analyse_types(env)
if not index.type.is_int:
is_buffer_access = False
if is_buffer_access:
indices = [index.analyse_types(env) for index in indices]
if all(index.type.is_int for index in indices):
replacement_node = BufferIndexNode(self.pos, indices=indices, base=self.base)
# On cloning, indices is cloned. Otherwise, unpack index into indices.
assert not isinstance(self.index, CloneNode)
......@@ -1184,3 +1184,14 @@ def test_inplace_assignment():
buf[0] = get_int()
print buf[0]
def test_nested_assignment():
>>> test_nested_assignment()
cdef object[int] inner = IntMockBuffer(None, [1, 2, 3])
cdef object[int] outer = IntMockBuffer(None, [1, 2, 3])
outer[inner[0]] = 100
return outer[inner[0]]
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