Commit f267baea authored by Pan's avatar Pan

fixup! Added documentation on extension class instantiation from existing pointer

parent f0552fe2
......@@ -554,43 +554,67 @@ contructors, this necessitates the use of factory functions. For example, ::
cdef class WrapperClass:
"""A wrapper class for a C/C++ data structure"""
cdef my_c_struct *_ptr
cdef bint ptr_owner
def __cinit__(self):
# On cinit, do not create new structure but set pointer to NULL
self._ptr = NULL
self.ptr_owner = True
def __dealloc__(self):
# De-allocate if we have a non-null pointer
if self._ptr is not NULL:
# De-allocate if not null and flag is set
if self._ptr is not NULL and self.ptr_owner is True:
self._ptr = NULL
# Extension class properties
def a(self):
return self._ptr.a if self._ptr is not NULL else None
cdef WrapperClass PyWrapperClass(my_c_struct *_ptr):
"""Factory function to create WrapperClass objects from
given my_c_struct pointer"""
# Call to __new__ bypasses __init__ constructor
cdef WrapperClass wrapper = WrapperClass.__new__(WrapperClass)
wrapper._ptr = _ptr
return wrapper
def b(self):
return self._ptr.b if self._ptr is not NULL else None
cdef WrapperClass from_ptr(my_c_struct *_ptr):
"""Factory function to create WrapperClass objects from
given my_c_struct pointer"""
# Call to __new__ bypasses __init__ constructor
cdef WrapperClass wrapper = WrapperClass.__new__(WrapperClass)
wrapper._ptr = _ptr
return wrapper
cdef WrapperClass PyNewWrapperClass():
"""Factory function to create WrapperClass objects with
newly allocated my_c_struct"""
cdef my_c_struct *_ptr = <my_c_struct *>malloc(sizeof(my_c_struct))
return PyWrapperClass(_ptr)
cdef WrapperClass new_struct():
"""Factory function to create WrapperClass objects with
newly allocated my_c_struct"""
cdef my_c_struct *_ptr = <my_c_struct *>malloc(sizeof(my_c_struct))
if _ptr is NULL:
raise MemoryError
_ptr.a = 0
_ptr.b = 0
return WrapperClass.from_ptr(_ptr)
To then create a ``WrapperClass`` object from an existing ``my_c_struct``
pointer, ``PyWrapperClass(ptr)`` can be used. It is possible to create multiple
python objects all from the same C pointer which point to the same in-memory
data, if that is wanted, though care must be taken when de-allocating as can
be seen above with the non-null check. The gil must *not* be released either,
or another lock used if it is, in such cases or race conditions can occur
with multiple de-allocations.
Attempts to accept ``my_c_struct`` pointers in ``__cinit__`` will result
in errors like::
pointer, ``WrapperClass.from_ptr(ptr)`` can be used in Cython code. To allocate
a new structure and wrap it at same time, ``WrapperClass.new_struct`` can be
used instead.
It is possible to create multiple Python objects all from the same pointer
which point to the same in-memory data, if that is wanted, though care must be
taken when de-allocating as can be seen above.
Additionally, the ``ptr_owner`` flag can be used to control which
``WrapperClass`` object owns the pointer and is responsible for de-allocation -
this is set to ``True`` by default in the example.
The GIL must *not* be released in ``__dealloc__`` either, or another lock used
if it is, in such cases or race conditions can occur with multiple
Attempts to accept ``my_c_struct`` pointers in ``__cinit__`` will result in
errors like::
Cannot convert 'my_c_struct *' to Python object
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