Commit f7096a04 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

removed broken minivect related code from branch since minivect will not be...

removed broken minivect related code from branch since minivect will not be released as part of 0.18
parent f2889b8c
# cython.* namespace for pure mode.
__version__ = "0.18-pre"
# Shamelessly copied from Cython/minivect/
class _ArrayType(object):
is_array = True
subtypes = ['dtype']
def __init__(self, dtype, ndim, is_c_contig=False, is_f_contig=False,
inner_contig=False, broadcasting=None):
self.dtype = dtype
self.ndim = ndim
self.is_c_contig = is_c_contig
self.is_f_contig = is_f_contig
self.inner_contig = inner_contig or is_c_contig or is_f_contig
self.broadcasting = broadcasting
def __repr__(self):
axes = [":"] * self.ndim
if self.is_c_contig:
axes[-1] = "::1"
elif self.is_f_contig:
axes[0] = "::1"
return "%s[%s]" % (self.dtype, ", ".join(axes))
def index_type(base_type, item):
Support array type creation by slicing, e.g. double[:, :] specifies
a 2D strided array of doubles. The syntax is the same as for
Cython memoryviews.
assert isinstance(item, (tuple, slice))
def verify_slice(s):
if s.start or s.stop or s.step not in (None, 1):
raise minierror.InvalidTypeSpecification(
"Only a step of 1 may be provided to indicate C or "
"Fortran contiguity")
if isinstance(item, tuple):
step_idx = None
for idx, s in enumerate(item):
if s.step and (step_idx or idx not in (0, len(item) - 1)):
raise minierror.InvalidTypeSpecification(
"Step may only be provided once, and only in the "
"first or last dimension.")
if s.step == 1:
step_idx = idx
return _ArrayType(base_type, len(item),
is_c_contig=step_idx == len(item) - 1,
is_f_contig=step_idx == 0)
return _ArrayType(base_type, 1, is_c_contig=bool(item.step))
# END shameless copy
compiled = False
_Unspecified = object()
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