Commit 259e666b authored by Mark Florisson's avatar Mark Florisson

Fix memoryview error test

parent 69b2e1a5
......@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ class MemoryViewSliceType(PyrexType):
if flag == 'contiguous':
have_follow = [p for a, p in self.axes[idx - 1:idx + 1]
have_follow = [p for a, p in self.axes[idx - 1:idx + 2]
if p == 'follow']
if have_follow or self.ndim == 1:
flag = '1'
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ _ERRORS = u'''
20:22: Invalid axis specification.
21:25: Invalid axis specification.
22:22: no expressions allowed in axis spec, only names and literals.
25:51: Memoryview 'object[::contiguous, :]' not conformable to memoryview 'object[:, ::contiguous]'.
25:51: Memoryview 'object[::1, :]' not conformable to memoryview 'object[:, ::1]'.
28:36: Different base types for memoryviews (int, Python object)
31:9: Dimension may not be contiguous
37:9: Only one direct contiguous axis may be specified.
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