Commit 4bcf9134 authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

Add cypclass builtin set implementation and associated unit tests

parent 0331ccc1
from libcpp.unordered_set cimport unordered_set
from libcpp.atomic cimport atomic
from cython.operator cimport dereference
from cython.operator cimport postincrement
from libcythonplus.iterator cimport *
cdef extern from * nogil:
template<typename base_iterator_t, typename reference_t>
constexpr reference_t set_value_getter_t(base_iterator_t iter)
return *iter;
template<typename set_t, typename base_iterator_t, typename reference_t>
using set_iterator_t = cy_iterator_t<set_t, base_iterator_t, reference_t, set_value_getter_t<base_iterator_t, reference_t>>;
cdef cppclass set_iterator_t[set_t, base_iterator_t, reference_t]:
set_iterator_t(base_iterator_t, const set_t)
reference_t operator*()
set_iterator_t operator++()
bint operator!=(base_iterator_t)
cdef cypclass cypset[V]:
ctypedef V value_type
ctypedef size_t size_type
ctypedef set_iterator_t[const cypset[V], unordered_set[value_type].const_iterator, value_type] iterator
unordered_set[value_type] _elements
mutable atomic[int] _active_iterators
# set elementary operations
void add(self, const value_type value) except ~:
if self._active_iterators == 0:
with gil:
raise RuntimeError("Modifying a set with active iterators")
void remove(self, const value_type value) except ~:
if self._active_iterators == 0:
if self._elements.erase(value) == 0:
with gil:
raise KeyError("Element not in set")
with gil:
raise RuntimeError("Modifying a set with active iterators")
void discard(self, const value_type value) except ~:
if self._active_iterators == 0:
with gil:
raise RuntimeError("Modifying a set with active iterators")
V pop(self) except ~:
if self._active_iterators == 0:
it = self._elements.begin()
value = dereference(it)
return value
with gil:
raise RuntimeError("Modifying a set with active iterators")
void clear(self) except ~:
if self._active_iterators == 0:
with gil:
raise RuntimeError("Modifying a set with active iterators")
# inspection operations
size_type __len__(self) const:
return self._elements.size()
bint __contains__(self, const value_type value):
return self._elements.count(value)
bint isdisjoint(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
cdef const cypset[V] smallest
cdef const cypset[V] greatest
if self._elements.size() < other._elements.size():
smallest = self
greatest = other
smallest = other
greatest = self
for value in smallest._elements:
if greatest._elements.count(value) > 0:
return 0
return 1
# set comparisons
bint __eq__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
if self._elements.size() != other._elements.size():
return 0
for value in self._elements:
if other._elements.count(value) == 0:
return 0
return 1
bint __ne__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
if self._elements.size() != other._elements.size():
return 1
for value in self._elements:
if other._elements.count(value) == 0:
return 1
return 0
bint __le__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
if self._elements.size() > other._elements.size():
return 0
for value in self._elements:
if other._elements.count(value) == 0:
return 0
return 1
bint __lt__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
return self <= other and self._elements.size() < other._elements.size()
bint issubset(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
return self <= other
bint __ge__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
if self._elements.size() < other._elements.size():
return 0
for value in other._elements:
if self._elements.count(value) == 0:
return 0
return 1
bint __gt__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
return self >= other and self._elements.size() > other._elements.size()
bint issuperset(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
return self >= other
# set non-modifying operations
cypset[V] __or__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
result = cypset[V]()
result._elements.insert(self._elements.const_begin(), self._elements.const_end())
result._elements.insert(other._elements.const_begin(), other._elements.const_end())
return result
cypset[V] union "set_union"(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
return self | other
cypset[V] __and__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
cdef const cypset[V] smallest
cdef const cypset[V] greatest
if self._elements.size() < other._elements.size():
smallest = self
greatest = other
smallest = other
greatest = self
result = cypset[V]()
for value in smallest._elements:
if greatest._elements.count(value) > 0:
return result
cypset[V] intersection(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
return self & other
cypset[V] __sub__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
result = cypset[V]()
for value in self._elements:
if other._elements.count(value) == 0:
return result
cypset[V] difference(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
return self - other
cypset[V] __xor__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
result = cypset[V]()
result._elements = other._elements
for value in self._elements:
it = result._elements.find(value)
if it != result._elements.end():
return result
cypset[V] symmetric_difference(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
return self ^ other
# set in-place (modifying) operations
cypset[V] __ior__(self, const cypset[V] other) except ~:
if self._active_iterators == 0:
self._elements.insert(other._elements.const_begin(), other._elements.end())
return self
with gil:
raise RuntimeError("Modifying a set with active iterators")
cypset[V] update(self, const cypset[V] other) except ~:
self |= other
return self
cypset[V] __iand__(self, const cypset[V] other) except ~:
if self._active_iterators == 0:
it = self._elements.begin()
end = self._elements.end()
while it != end:
value = dereference(it)
if other._elements.count(value) == 0:
it = self._elements.erase(it)
return self
with gil:
raise RuntimeError("Modifying a set with active iterators")
cypset[V] intersection_update(self, const cypset[V] other) except ~:
self &= other
return self
cypset[V] __isub__(self, const cypset[V] other) except ~:
if self._active_iterators == 0:
for value in other._elements:
return self
with gil:
raise RuntimeError("Modifying a set with active iterators")
cypset[V] difference_update(self, const cypset[V] other) except ~:
self -= other
return self
cypset[V] __ixor__(self, const cypset[V] other) except ~:
if self._active_iterators == 0:
for value in other._elements:
if self._elements.erase(value) == 0:
with gil:
raise RuntimeError("Modifying a set with active iterators")
cypset[V] symmetric_difference_update(self, const cypset[V] other) except ~:
self ^= other
return self
# iterators
iterator begin(self) const:
return iterator(self._elements.const_begin(), self)
unordered_set[value_type].const_iterator end(self) const:
return self._elements.const_end()
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