Commit 7c1ffb90 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

copy hexiom2 benchmark over from Python's benchmark suite and apply an initial set of optimisations

parent f41c1ba0
cimport cython
cdef object EMPTY
cdef class Dir:
cdef public int x, y
cdef class Done:
cdef public int count
cdef public list cells
cdef Done clone(self)
cdef inline int set_done(self, int i, v) except -123
cdef inline bint already_done(self, int i) except -123
cdef inline bint remove(self, int i, v) except -123
cdef inline bint remove_unfixed(self, v) except -123
cdef int next_cell(self, Pos pos, int strategy=*) except -123
cdef int filter_tiles(self, list tiles) except -123
cdef int next_cell_min_choice(self) except -123
cdef int next_cell_max_choice(self) except -123
cdef int next_cell_highest_value(self) except -123
cdef int next_cell_first(self) except -123
cdef int next_cell_max_neighbors(self, Pos pos) except -123
cdef int next_cell_min_neighbors(self, Pos pos) except -123
cdef class Node:
cdef public tuple pos
cdef public int id
cdef public list links
cdef class Hex:
cdef public list nodes_by_id
cdef public dict nodes_by_pos
cdef public int size
cdef public int count
cdef int link_nodes(self) except -123
cdef bint contains_pos(self, tuple pos)
cdef Node get_by_pos(self, tuple pos)
cdef Node get_by_id(self, int id)
cdef class Pos:
cdef public Hex hex
cdef public Done done
cdef public list tiles
cdef Pos clone(self)
cdef bint constraint_pass(Pos pos, last_move=*) except -123
cdef list find_moves(Pos pos, int strategy, int order)
cdef inline int play_move(Pos pos, tuple move) except -123
cdef print_pos(Pos pos, output)
cdef int solved(Pos pos, output, bint verbose=*) except -123
cdef int solve_step(Pos prev, int strategy, order, output, bint first=*) except -123
cdef check_valid(Pos pos)
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