Commit d5f70e78 authored by gsamain's avatar gsamain Committed by Xavier Thompson

Cpp: Amend cpp nested test case for cython-defined cppclass

parent f6be479e
......@@ -25,6 +25,20 @@ cdef extern from "cpp_nested_classes_support.h":
cdef cppclass SpecializedTypedClass(TypedClass[double]):
cdef cppclass AA:
cppclass BB:
int square(int x):
return x * x
cppclass CC:
int cube(int x):
return x * x * x
BB* createB():
return new BB()
ctypedef int my_int
my_int negate(my_int x):
return -x
def test_nested_classes():
......@@ -40,6 +54,20 @@ def test_nested_classes():
assert b_ptr.square(4) == 16
del b_ptr
def test_nested_defined_classes():
>>> test_nested_defined_classes()
cdef AA a
cdef AA.BB b
assert b.square(3) == 9
cdef AA.BB.CC c
assert c.cube(3) == 27
cdef AA.BB *b_ptr = a.createB()
assert b_ptr.square(4) == 16
del b_ptr
def test_nested_typedef(py_x):
>>> test_nested_typedef(5)
......@@ -47,6 +75,13 @@ def test_nested_typedef(py_x):
cdef A.my_int x = py_x
assert A.negate(x) == -py_x
def test_nested_defined_typedef(py_x):
>>> test_nested_typedef(5)
cdef A.my_int x = py_x
assert A.negate(x) == -py_x
def test_typed_nested_typedef(x):
>>> test_typed_nested_typedef(4)
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