Commit e4e2be30 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

Rephrase the description of the "pyimport" option of pyximport a little.

parent 8fbf1e07
......@@ -496,9 +496,10 @@ def install(pyximport=True, pyimport=False, build_dir=None, build_in_temp=True,
:param pyimport: You can pass ``pyimport=True`` to also
install the ``.py`` import hook
in your meta-path. Note, however, that it is highly experimental,
will not work for most ``.py`` files, and will therefore only slow
down your imports. Use at your own risk.
in your meta-path. Note, however, that it is rather experimental,
will not work at all for some ``.py`` files and packages, and will
heavily slow down your imports due to search and compilation.
Use at your own risk.
:param build_dir: By default, compiled modules will end up in a ``.pyxbld``
directory in the user's home directory. Passing a different path
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