Commit 2737b568 authored by Ioannis Papagiannopoulos's avatar Ioannis Papagiannopoulos Committed by Sebastien Robin cleanup + inline comments

parent 75b1e246
......@@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
# if we have only one predecessor just check if there is a place and the machine is up
# this is done to achieve better (cpu) processing time
# then we can also use it as a filter for a yield method
if(len(activeObject.previous)==1 or callerObject==None):
return activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)==0
......@@ -29,8 +29,9 @@ Models a FIFO queue where entities can wait in order to get into a server
from SimPy.Simulation import Process, Resource
from SimPy.Simulation import waituntil, now
from CoreObject import CoreObject
#the Queue object
# ===========================================================================
# the Queue object
# ===========================================================================
class Queue(CoreObject):
def __init__(self, id, name, capacity=1, dummy=False, schedulingRule="FIFO"):
......@@ -65,35 +66,9 @@ class Queue(CoreObject):
self.multipleCriterionList=SRlist # hold the criteria list in the property multipleCriterionList
def initialize(self):
self.predecessorIndex=0 #holds the index of the predecessor from which the Queue will take an entity next
self.successorIndex=0 #holds the index of the successor where the Queue will dispose an entity next
self.Up=True #Boolean that shows if the object is in failure ("Down") or not ("up")
# ===================================================================
self.totalBlockageTime=0 #holds the total blockage time
self.totalFailureTime=0 #holds the total failure time
self.totalWaitingTime=0 #holds the total waiting time
self.totalWorkingTime=0 #holds the total working time
self.completedJobs=0 #holds the number of completed jobs
# ===================================================================
self.timeLastEntityEnded=0 #holds the last time that an entity ended processing in the object
self.nameLastEntityEnded="" #holds the name of the last entity that ended processing in the object
self.timeLastEntityEntered=0 #holds the last time that an entity entered in the object
self.nameLastEntityEntered="" #holds the name of the last entity that entered in the object
self.timeLastFailure=0 #holds the time that the last failure of the object started
self.timeLastFailureEnded=0 #holds the time that the last failure of the object Ended
# ===================================================================
self.downTimeProcessingCurrentEntity=0 #holds the time that the machine was down while processing the current entity
self.downTimeInTryingToReleaseCurrentEntity=0 #holds the time that the object was down while trying
#to release the current entity
self.downTimeInCurrentEntity=0 #holds the total time that the object was down while holding current entity
self.timeLastEntityLeft=0 #holds the last time that an entity left the object
self.processingTimeOfCurrentEntity=0 #holds the total processing time that the current entity required
# ===================================================================
self.waitToDispose=False #shows if the object waits to dispose an entity
# using the Process __init__ and not the CoreObject __init__
# initialize the internal Queue (type Resource) of the Queue object
def run(self):
......@@ -107,20 +82,25 @@ class Queue(CoreObject):
#if entity just got to the dummyQ set its startTime as the current time
if self.isDummy:
#checks if the Queue can accept an entity
#it checks also who called it and returns TRUE only to the predecessor that will give the entity.
# =======================================================================
# checks if the Queue can accept an entity
# it checks also who called it and returns TRUE
# only to the predecessor that will give the entity.
# =======================================================================
def canAccept(self, callerObject=None):
# get active and giver objects
#if we have only one predecessor just check if there is a place available
# this is done to achieve better (cpu) processing time
# then we can also use it as a filter for a yield method
if(len(activeObject.previous)==1 or callerObject==None):
return len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity
if len(activeObjectQueue)==activeObject.capacity:
return False
# if len(activeObjectQueue)==activeObject.capacity:
# return False
......@@ -129,11 +109,14 @@ class Queue(CoreObject):
#if thecaller is self.previous[self.predecessorIndex]:
# flag=True
return len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity and thecaller==giverObject
#checks if the Queue can dispose an entity to the following object
#it checks also who called it and returns TRUE only to the successor that will give the entity.
#this is kind of slow I think got to check
# =======================================================================
# checks if the Queue can dispose an entity to the following object
# it checks also who called it and returns TRUE
# only to the successor that will give the entity.
# this is kind of slow I think got to check
# =======================================================================
def haveToDispose(self, callerObject=None):
# get active object and its queue
......@@ -141,38 +124,42 @@ class Queue(CoreObject):
if(len( or callerObject==None):
return len(self.Res.activeQ)>0
#if the Queue is empty it returns false right away
return False
# #if the Queue is empty it returns false right away
# if(len(activeObjectQueue)==0):
# return False
#give the entity to the successor that is waiting for the most time.
#plant does not do this in every occasion!
i=0 # loop through the object in the successor list
for object in
if(timeWaiting>maxTimeWaiting or maxTimeWaiting==0):
if(object.canAccept()): # if the object can accept
timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastEntityLeft # compare the time that it has been waiting
if(timeWaiting>maxTimeWaiting or maxTimeWaiting==0):# with the others'
self.successorIndex=i # and update the successorIndex to the index of this object
#return true only to the predecessor from which the queue will take
return len(self.Res.activeQ)>0 and (thecaller is receiverObject)
#removes an entity from the Object
# =======================================================================
# removes an entity from the Object
# =======================================================================
def removeEntity(self):
activeEntity=CoreObject.removeEntity(self) #run the default method
activeObject.outputTrace(, "releases "+activeObject.objName) #output trace
return activeEntity
#checks if the Queue can accept an entity and there is an entity in some predecessor waiting for it
#also updates the predecessorIndex to the one that is to be taken
# =======================================================================
# checks if the Queue can accept an entity and
# there is an entity in some predecessor waiting for it
# also updates the predecessorIndex to the one that is to be taken
# =======================================================================
def canAcceptAndIsRequested(self):
# get the active and the giver objects
......@@ -181,34 +168,36 @@ class Queue(CoreObject):
return len(activeObjectQueue)<self.capacity and giverObject.haveToDispose(activeObject)
isRequested=False # dummy boolean variable to check if any predecessor has something to hand in
maxTimeWaiting=0 # dummy timer to check which predecessor has been waiting the most
#loop through the predecessors to see which have to dispose and which is the one blocked for longer
i=0 # loop through all the predecessors
for object in activeObject.previous:
if(object.haveToDispose(activeObject)): # if they have something to dispose off
isRequested=True # then the Queue is requested to handle the entity
if(object.downTimeInTryingToReleaseCurrentEntity>0):# if the predecessor has failed wile waiting
timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastFailureEnded # then update according the timeWaiting to be compared with the ones
else: # of the other machines
#if more than one predecessor have to dispose take the part from the one that is blocked longer
return len(activeObjectQueue)<self.capacity and isRequested
#gets an entity from the predecessor that the predecessor index points to
i+=1 # pick the predecessor waiting the more
return len(activeObjectQueue)<self.capacity and isRequested # return true when the Queue is not fully occupied and a predecessor is requesting it
# =======================================================================
# gets an entity from the predecessor that
# the predecessor index points to
# =======================================================================
def getEntity(self):
activeEntity=CoreObject.getEntity(self) #run the default behavior
self.outputTrace(, "got into "+self.objName)
return activeEntity
#sorts the Entities of the Queue according to the scheduling rule
# =======================================================================
# sorts the Entities of the Queue according to the scheduling rule
# =======================================================================
def sortEntities(self):
#if we have sorting according to multiple criteria we have to call the sorter many times
if self.schedulingRule=="MC":
......@@ -217,8 +206,9 @@ class Queue(CoreObject):
#else we just use the default scheduling rule
#sorts the Entities of the Queue according to the scheduling rule
# =======================================================================
# sorts the Entities of the Queue according to the scheduling rule
# =======================================================================
def activeQSorter(self, criterion=None):
if criterion==None:
......@@ -265,8 +255,10 @@ class Queue(CoreObject):
activeObjectQ.sort(key=lambda x: x.nextQueueLength)
#outputs message to the trace.xls. Format is (Simulation Time | Entity Name | message)
# =======================================================================
# outputs message to the trace.xls.
# Format is (Simulation Time | Entity Name | message)
# =======================================================================
def outputTrace(self, entityName, message):
from Globals import G
if(G.trace=="Yes"): #output only if the user has selected to
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