comments clean-up

parent 1eea3343
......@@ -650,14 +650,6 @@ class CoreObject(Process):
def activeQueueIsEmpty(self):
return len(self.Res.activeQ)==0
# # =======================================================================
# # checks if the object is ready to receive an Entity
# # =======================================================================
# def isReadyToGet(self):
# return True # set to true since this control was not needed until now.
# # to return canAcceptAndIsRequested() would be more logical, but also computationally expensive
# #return self.canAcceptAndIsRequested()
# =======================================================================
# actions to be carried out when the processing of an Entity ends
# =======================================================================
......@@ -455,9 +455,6 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
# if while waiting (for a canDispose event) became free as the machines that follows emptied it, then proceed
if not self.haveToDispose():
# TODO: in operated Machine, sometimes the giver is not signalled from the removeEntity method because there
# there was no operator available. In this case, by the time the operator is available again the Machine
# must receive the entity from the predecessor and thus the
# =======================================================================
# actions to be carried out when the processing of an Entity ends
......@@ -475,13 +472,8 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
activeObject.outputTrace(activeObject.getActiveObjectQueue()[0].name,"ended processing in "+activeObject.objName)
except IndexError:
# the entity that just got processed is cold again it will get
# hot again by the time it reaches the giver of the next machine
# TODO: Not only Machines require time to process entities
# entities such as batchReassembly/Decomposition require time to process entities
# TODO: We must consider also the case that entities can be blocked before they can reach
# the heating point. In such a case they must be removed from the G.pendingEntities list
# and added again after they are unblocked
from Globals import G
......@@ -59,26 +59,6 @@ class ObjectInterruption(Process):
def invoke(self):
# # =======================================================================
# # return control to the
# # =======================================================================
# def exit(self):
# # =======================================================================
# # call the objectInterruption
# # filter for object interruption - yield waituntil isCalled
# # =======================================================================
# def isCalled(self):
# return
# # =======================================================================
# # the objectIterruption returns control to machine.Run
# # filter for Machine - yield request/release operator
# # =======================================================================
# def isSet(self):
# return not
# outputs data to "output.xls"
......@@ -119,7 +99,6 @@ class ObjectInterruption(Process):
def reactivateVictim(self):
# reactivate(self.victim)
# outputs message to the trace.xls. Format is (Simulation Time | Victim Name | message)
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