Commit 33ed93d2 authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis

cleanup in the method that calculates what is to be processed

parent dca04b5e
......@@ -189,48 +189,25 @@ class CapacityStationController(EventGenerator):
if totalAvailableCapacity<=0:
# if the buffer is not assembly
if not buffer.requireFullProject:
# calculate the total capacity that is requested
for entity in buffer.getActiveObjectQueue():
if self.checkIfProjectCanStartInStation(entity.capacityProject, station):
if self.checkIfProjectCanStartInStation(entity.capacityProject, station) and\
(not self.checkIfProjectNeedsToBeAssembled(entity.capacityProject, buffer)):
# if there is enough capacity for all the entities set them that they all should move
if totalRequestedCapacity<=totalAvailableCapacity:
for entity in buffer.getActiveObjectQueue():
if self.checkIfProjectCanStartInStation(entity.capacityProject, station):
if self.checkIfProjectCanStartInStation(entity.capacityProject, station) and\
(not self.checkIfProjectNeedsToBeAssembled(entity.capacityProject, buffer)):
# else calculate the capacity for every entity and create the entities
# loop through the entities
for entity in entitiesInBuffer:
if self.checkIfProjectCanStartInStation(entity.capacityProject, station):
self.breakEntity(entity, buffer, station, totalAvailableCapacity, totalRequestedCapacity)
# if the buffer is assembly there are different calculations
# calculate the total capacity that is requested
# note that only the assembled projects do request capacity
for entity in buffer.getActiveObjectQueue():
if self.checkIfProjectAssembledInBuffer(entity.capacityProject, buffer) and\
self.checkIfProjectCanStartInStation(entity.capacityProject, station):
# if there is enough capacity for all the assembled entities set them that they all should move
if totalRequestedCapacity<=totalAvailableCapacity:
for entity in buffer.getActiveObjectQueue():
if self.checkIfProjectAssembledInBuffer(entity.capacityProject, buffer) and\
self.checkIfProjectCanStartInStation(entity.capacityProject, station):
# else calculate the capacity for every entity and create the entities
# loop through the entities
for entity in entitiesInBuffer:
# break only the assembled projects
if self.checkIfProjectAssembledInBuffer(entity.capacityProject, buffer) and\
self.checkIfProjectCanStartInStation(entity.capacityProject, station):
if self.checkIfProjectCanStartInStation(entity.capacityProject, station) and\
(not self.checkIfProjectNeedsToBeAssembled(entity.capacityProject, buffer)):
self.breakEntity(entity, buffer, station, totalAvailableCapacity, totalRequestedCapacity)
# breaks an entity in the part that should move and the one that should stay
......@@ -307,6 +284,17 @@ class CapacityStationController(EventGenerator):
return False
return True
# checks if a project cannot move because it needs to be assembled first
def checkIfProjectNeedsToBeAssembled(self, project, buffer):
# if we are not in assembly return false
if not buffer.requireFullProject:
return False
# if project is already assembled return false
if self.checkIfProjectAssembledInBuffer(project, buffer):
return False
# at any other case return true
return True
# checks if the given project is all in the buffer
def checkIfProjectAssembledInBuffer(self, project, buffer):
# loop through all the stations of the system
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