Conveyer comments clean-up. New method requestedLength() - not used yet

parent 4b5bce50
......@@ -68,10 +68,6 @@ class Conveyer(CoreObject):
self.timeLastMoveHappened=0 #holds the last time that the move was performed (in reality it is
#continued, in simulation we have to handle it as discrete)
#so when a move is performed we can calculate where the entities should go
self.timeToReachEnd=0 #if the conveyer has entities but none has reached the end of it, this calculates
#the time when the first entity will reach the end and so it will be ready to be disposed
self.timeToBecomeAvailable=0 #if the conveyer has entities on its back this holds the time that it will be again free
#for an entity. of course this also depends on the length of the entity who requests it
self.conveyerMover=ConveyerMover(self) #process that is triggered at the times when an entity reached the end or
#a place is freed. It performs the move at this point,
#so if there are actions to be carried they will
......@@ -87,6 +83,8 @@ class Conveyer(CoreObject):
self.predecessorIndex=0 #holds the index of the predecessor from which the Conveyer will take an entity next
self.successorIndex=0 #holds the index of the successor where the Queue Conveyer dispose an entity next
self.requestingEntities=[] # list of the entities requesting space on the conveyer
# conveyer generator
......@@ -98,13 +96,6 @@ class Conveyer(CoreObject):
while 1:
#calculate the time to reach end. If this is greater than 0 (we did not already have an entity at the end)
#set it as the timeToWait of the conveyerMover and raise call=true so that it will be triggered
# self.timeToReachEnd=0
# if self.position:
# if (not self.length-self.position[0]<0.000001):
# self.timeToReachEnd=((self.length-self.position[0])/float(self.speed))/60
# if self.timeToReachEnd>0:
# self.conveyerMover.timeToWait=self.timeToReachEnd
# self.conveyerMover.canMove.signal(now())
if self.updateMoveTime():
# print, 'time to move', self.conveyerMover.timeToWait
......@@ -137,8 +128,6 @@ class Conveyer(CoreObject):
self.printTrace(, 'will try to signal Giver from removeEntity')
# # if there is an entity that finished its motion
# if self.entityReachedEnd():
# if the event that activated the thread is canDispose then signalReceiver
if self.haveToDispose():
# self.printTrace(, 'will try to signal a receiver from generator')
......@@ -180,7 +169,17 @@ class Conveyer(CoreObject):
# calculate the requested length
def requestedLength(self):
for object in [x for x in self.previous if x.getActiveObjectQueue()]:
if minRequestedLength:
if requestedLength<minRequestedLength and requestedLength!=0:
if requestedLength>0:
print 'requested length', requestedLength
return minRequestedLength
# checks whether an entity has reached the end
......@@ -287,10 +286,11 @@ class Conveyer(CoreObject):
#if there is no object in the predecessor just return false and set the current requested length to zero
if len(thecallerQueue)==0:
return False
requestedLength=activeEntity.length #read what length the entity has
# append entity to the requestingEntities list
# print, 'requested length', requestedLength
......@@ -314,6 +314,7 @@ class Conveyer(CoreObject):
giverObject in activeObject.previous:
# if the conveyer can accept an entity is not blocked and thus the requested length has to be reset
# print 'reseting requested length'
# reset the currentRequestedLength
return True
return False
......@@ -348,11 +349,7 @@ class Conveyer(CoreObject):
if self.wasFull:
# self.totalBlockageTime+=now()-self.timeBlockageStarted
# #calculate the time that the conveyer will become available again and trigger the conveyerMover
# self.timeToBecomeAvailable=((self.position[-1]+self.currentRequestedLength)/float(self.speed))/60
# # print, 'time to become available', self.timeToBecomeAvailable
# self.conveyerMover.timeToWait=self.timeToBecomeAvailable
# self.conveyerMover.canMove.signal(now())
#calculate the time that the conveyer will become available again and trigger the conveyerMover
if self.updateMoveTime():
# print, 'time to move', self.conveyerMover.timeToWait
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