Commit c033e726 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin Committed by Ioannis Papagiannopoulos

update static version

parent cc0ea02a
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
(function(window, rJS, RSVP, loopEventListener) {
"use strict";
var gadget_klass = rJS(window);
// TODO: save on parent gadget
function saveGraph(evt) {
var gadget = this;
return new RSVP.Queue().push(function() {
......@@ -11,23 +12,12 @@
return gadget.getDeclaredGadget("productionline_graph");
}).push(function(graph_gadget) {
return graph_gadget.getData();
}).push(function(data) {
graph_data = data;
// Always get a fresh version, to prevent deleting spreadsheet & co
return gadget.aq_getAttachment({
_id: gadget.props.jio_key,
_attachment: "body.json"
return graph_gadget.getContent();
}).push(function(body) {
var data = JSON.parse(body), json_graph_data = JSON.parse(graph_data);
data.nodes = json_graph_data.nodes;
data.edges = json_graph_data.edges;
data.preference = json_graph_data.preference;
return gadget.aq_putAttachment({
_id: gadget.props.jio_key,
_attachment: "body.json",
_data: JSON.stringify(data, null, 2),
_data: JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(body), null, 2),
_mimetype: "application/json"
}).push(function() {
......@@ -56,7 +46,7 @@
this.timeout = window.setTimeout(saveGraph.bind(this), 100);
}).declareMethod("render", function(options) {
var jio_key =, gadget = this;
var jio_key =, gadget = this, data;
gadget.props.jio_key = jio_key;
return new RSVP.Queue().push(function() {
/*jslint nomen: true*/
......@@ -65,11 +55,12 @@
_attachment: "body.json"
}), gadget.getDeclaredGadget("productionline_graph") ]);
}).push(function(result_list) {
return result_list[1].render(result_list[0]);
data = result_list[0];
return result_list[1].render(data);
}).push(function() {
return gadget.getDeclaredGadget("productionline_toolbox");
}).push(function(toolbox_gadget) {
}).declareMethod("startService", function() {
var g = this, graph;
......@@ -9,47 +9,39 @@
// Precompile the templates while loading the first gadget instance
var gadget_klass = rJS(window), source = gadget_klass.__template_element.getElementById("label-template").innerHTML, label_template = Handlebars.compile(source);
gadget_klass.declareMethod("render", function(property_list, data, key) {
var gadget = this, queue, value, property;
gadget.key = key;
gadget_klass.declareMethod("render", function(options, node_id) {
// XXX node_id is added like a property so that one can change the node
// id
var gadget = this, queue;
gadget.props.key = options.key;
// used for recursive fieldsets
gadget.props.field_gadget_list = [];
function addField(property, value) {
function addField(property_id, property_definition, value) {
var sub_gadget;
queue.push(function() {
// XXX this is incorrect for recursive fieldsets.
// we should use nested fieldset with legend
gadget.props.element.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", label_template({
name: ||
"for": property_id,
name: || property_id
if (property._class === "Dream.PropertyList") {
if (property_definition.type === "object") {
// Create a recursive fieldset for this key.
return gadget.declareGadget("../fieldset/index.html");
if (property.type === "number") {
if (property_definition.type === "number") {
return gadget.declareGadget("../number_field/index.html");
if (property.choice) {
if (property_definition.enum) {
return gadget.declareGadget("../list_field/index.html");
return gadget.declareGadget("../string_field/index.html");
}).push(function(gg) {
sub_gadget = gg;
var choice = property.choice || [], default_opt = choice[0] ? [ choice[0][1] ] : [ "" ];
value = data[] === undefined ? value : data[];
if (gg.__title === "Fieldset") {
// XXX there must be a better way instead of using __title ?
return gg.render(property.property_list, value,;
return sub_gadget.render({
field_json: {
title: property.description || "",
key: property_id,
value: value,
items: choice,
"default": default_opt
property_definition: property_definition
}).push(function() {
return sub_gadget.getElement();
......@@ -59,10 +51,17 @@
queue = new RSVP.Queue().push(function() {
Object.keys(property_list).forEach(function(i) {
property = property_list[i];
value = property._default === undefined ? "" : property._default;
addField(property, value);
if (node_id) {
addField("id", {
type: "string"
}, node_id);
Object.keys( {
var property_definition =[property_name], value = (options.value || {})[property_name] === undefined ? property_definition._default : options.value[property_name];
// XXX some properties are not editable
if (property_name !== "coordinate" && property_name !== "_class") {
addField(property_name, property_definition, value);
return queue;
......@@ -75,8 +74,8 @@
return RSVP.all(promise_list);
}).push(function(result_list) {
var name, result = {}, content = result;
if (gadget.key) {
content = result[gadget.key] = {};
if (gadget.props.key) {
content = result[gadget.props.key] = {};
for (i = 0; i < result_list.length; i += 1) {
for (name in result_list[i]) {
......@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@
<script src="../lib/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/jquerymobile.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/rsvp.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/renderjs.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/jquery.jsplumb.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/jquery.jsplumb.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/handlebars.min.js"></script>
<script id="node-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
This diff is collapsed.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/qunit.css">
<script src="../lib/rsvp.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/renderjs.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/qunit.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/jquery.simulate.js"></script>
<script src="test.js"></script>
<div id="qunit"></div>
<div id="qunit-fixture"></div>
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -949,17 +949,17 @@
newFunction = newFunction || function() { };
return function() {
var r = null;
try {
//try {
r = newFunction.apply(this, arguments);
} catch (e) {
jsPlumbUtil.log("jsPlumb function failed : " + e);
//} catch (e) {
// jsPlumbUtil.log("jsPlumb function failed : " + e);
if (returnOnThisValue == null || (r !== returnOnThisValue)) {
try {
//try {
r = wrappedFunction.apply(this, arguments);
} catch (e) {
jsPlumbUtil.log("wrapped function failed : " + e);
//} catch (e) {
// jsPlumbUtil.log("wrapped function failed : " + e);
return r;
......@@ -12,17 +12,18 @@
g.element = element;
}).declareMethod("render", function(options) {
var select = this.element.getElementsByTagName("select")[0], i, template, field_json = options.field_json, tmp = "";
select.setAttribute("name", field_json.key);
for (i = 0; i < field_json.items.length; i += 1) {
if (field_json.items[i][1] === field_json.value) {
var select = this.element.getElementsByTagName("select")[0], i, template, tmp = "";
select.setAttribute("name", options.key);
for (i = 0; i < options.property_definition.enum.length; i += 1) {
if (options.property_definition.enum[i] === options.value) {
template = selected_option_template;
} else {
template = option_template;
// XXX value and text are always same in json schema
tmp += template({
value: field_json.items[i][1],
text: field_json.items[i][0]
value: options.property_definition.enum[i],
text: options.property_definition.enum[i]
select.innerHTML += tmp;
......@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
gadget.element = element;
}).declareMethod("render", function(options) {
var input = this.element.querySelector("input"), field_json = options.field_json || {};
input.setAttribute("value", field_json.value);
input.setAttribute("name", field_json.key);
input.setAttribute("title", field_json.title);
var input = this.element.querySelector("input");
input.setAttribute("value", options.value);
input.setAttribute("name", options.key);
input.setAttribute("title", options.title || options.key);
}).declareMethod("getContent", function() {
var input = this.element.querySelector("input"), result = {};
if (input.value !== "") {
......@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
gadget.element = element;
}).declareMethod("render", function(options) {
var input = this.element.querySelector("input"), field_json = options.field_json || {};
input.setAttribute("value", field_json.value || "");
input.setAttribute("name", field_json.key);
input.setAttribute("title", field_json.title);
var input = this.element.querySelector("input");
input.setAttribute("value", options.value || "");
input.setAttribute("name", options.key);
input.setAttribute("title", options.title || options.key);
}).declareMethod("getContent", function() {
var input = this.element.querySelector("input"), result = {};
result[input.getAttribute("name")] = input.value;
......@@ -5,21 +5,8 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/jquery-ui.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="toolbox.css">
<script src="../lib/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/rsvp.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/renderjs.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/handlebars.min.js"></script>
<script id="tool-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div id="{{key}}"
class="tool {{key}}"
<script src="../dream/mixin_gadget.js"></script>
<script src="../dream/mixin_promise.js"></script>
/*global window, document, RSVP, rJS, Handlebars, initGadgetMixin*/
(function(window, document, RSVP, rJS, Handlebars, initGadgetMixin) {
/*global window, document, RSVP, rJS, initGadgetMixin*/
(function(window, document, RSVP, rJS, initGadgetMixin) {
"use strict";
/*jslint nomen: true*/
var gadget_klass = rJS(window), tool_template_source = gadget_klass.__template_element.getElementById("tool-template").innerHTML, tool_template = Handlebars.compile(tool_template_source);
var gadget_klass = rJS(window);
function waitForDragstart(tool) {
var callback;
function canceller() {
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
function itsANonResolvableTrap(resolve, reject) {
callback = function(evt) {
try {
evt.dataTransfer.setData("text/html", tool.outerHTML);
evt.dataTransfer.setData("application/json", tool.dataset.class_name);
} catch (e) {
......@@ -24,22 +24,28 @@
return new RSVP.Promise(itsANonResolvableTrap, canceller);
gadget_klass.declareAcquiredMethod("getConfigurationDict", "getConfigurationDict").declareMethod("render", function() {
var g = this;
return g.getConfigurationDict().push(function(config_dict) {
var tools_container = document.createElement("div");
gadget_klass.declareMethod("render", function(json_data) {
var data = JSON.parse(json_data), tools_container = document.createElement("div");
/* display all nodes in the palette.
tools_container.className = "tools-container";
Object.keys(config_dict).forEach(function(key) {
var name = config_dict[key].name || key.split("-")[1];
if (key !== "Dream-Configuration") {
tools_container.innerHTML += tool_template({
key: key,
name: name
Object.keys(data.class_definition).forEach(function(key) {
var _class = data.class_definition[key], tool;
// XXX "expand" the json schema "allOF" etc
if (_class._class === "node") {
tool = document.createElement("div");
// XXX maybe allow to configure the class name ?
tool.className = "tool " + key;
tool.textContent = || key;
tool.draggable = true;
tool.dataset.class_name = JSON.stringify(key);
Object.keys(_class.css || {}).forEach(function(k) {[k] = _class.css[k];
}).declareMethod("startService", function() {
var promiseArray = [];
[]".tool"), function(tool) {
......@@ -47,4 +53,4 @@
return RSVP.all(promiseArray);
})(window, document, RSVP, rJS, Handlebars, initGadgetMixin);
\ No newline at end of file
})(window, document, RSVP, rJS, initGadgetMixin);
\ No newline at end of file
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