Commit c0573a03 authored by Ioannis Papagiannopoulos's avatar Ioannis Papagiannopoulos Committed by Georgios Dagkakis

cherry-pick from readWIPseperatelly. unused code removed from simple Router

parent accfa6d6
......@@ -25,14 +25,9 @@ Created on 19 Feb 2013
Models an Interruption that schedules the operation of the machines by different managers
# from SimPy.Globals import sim
# from SimPy.Simulation import Simulation
# from SimPy.Simulation import Process, Resource, SimEvent
import simpy
from ObjectInterruption import ObjectInterruption
#from SimPy.Simulation import waituntil, now, hold, request, release, waitevent
# ===========================================================================
# Class that handles the Operator Behavior
......@@ -60,8 +55,6 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
# flag to notify whether the router is already invoked
# flag to notify whether the router is dealing with managed or simple entities
self.criticalPending=[] # list of critical entities that are pending
self.preemptiveOperators=[] # list of preemptiveOperators that should preempt their machines
......@@ -92,7 +85,6 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
......@@ -112,13 +104,6 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
read the pendingEntities currentStations, these are the stations (queues) that may be signalled
def run(self):
from Globals import G
# find out whether we are dealing with managed entities
if G.EntityList:
for entity in G.EntityList:
if entity.manager:
while 1:
# wait until the router is called
yield self.isCalled
......@@ -153,23 +138,11 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
# assign operators to stations
# if an exit of an object is assigned to one station, while the operator to operate
# the moving entity is assigned to a different, unAssign the exit
if not self.managed:
for operator in [x for x in self.candidateOperators if x.isAssignedTo()]:
if not operator.isAssignedTo() in self.pendingObjects:
for object in [x for x in operator.isAssignedTo().previous if x.exitIsAssignedTo()]:
if object.exitIsAssignedTo()!=operator.isAssignedTo():
for operator in [x for x in self.candidateOperators if x.isAssignedTo()]:
if not operator.isAssignedTo() in self.pendingObjects:
if operator.candidateEntity.currentStation.exitIsAssignedTo():
if operator.isAssignedTo()!=operator.candidateEntity.currentStation.exitIsAssignedTo():
# if an object cannot proceed with getEntity, unAssign the exit of its giver
for object in self.pendingQueues:
if not object in self.toBeSignalled:
......@@ -188,11 +161,7 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
# for all the operators that are requested
for operator in self.candidateOperators:
# check if the candidateOperators are available, if the are requested and reside in the pendingObjects list
if operator.checkIfResourceIsAvailable():
# if the router deals with managed entities
if not self.managed:
# if the operator is not conflicting
if not operator in self.conflictingOperators:
# assign an operator to the priorityObject
......@@ -200,23 +169,8 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
if not operator.candidateStation in self.toBeSignalled:
# if the router deals not with managed entities
if operator.candidateEntity:
# and if the priorityObject is indeed pending
if (operator.candidateEntity.currentStation in self.pendingObjects)\
and (not operator in self.conflictingOperators)\
and operator.candidateEntity.candidateReceiver:
# assign an operator to the priorityObject
self.printTrace('router', 'will assign '' to --> '
if not operator.candidateEntity.currentStation in self.toBeSignalled:
# if there must be preemption performed
elif operator in self.preemptiveOperators and not operator in self.conflictingOperators:
if not self.managed:
# if the operator is not currently working on the candidateStation then the entity he is
# currently working on must be preempted, and he must be unassigned and assigned to the new station
if operator.workingStation!=operator.candidateStation:
......@@ -267,12 +221,8 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
for operator in self.candidateOperators:
if station:
# if the router deals with simple entities
if not self.managed:
assert station in self.toBeSignalled, 'the station must be in toBeSignalled list'
# if the operator is preemptive
if operator in self.preemptiveOperators:
# if not assigned to the station currently working on, then preempt both stations
if station!=operator.workingStation:
......@@ -295,23 +245,6 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
and any(type=='Load' for type in station.multOperationTypeList):
self.printTrace('router', 'signalling'+' '*50+operator.isAssignedTo().id)
# in case the router deals with managed entities
if station in self.pendingMachines and station in self.toBeSignalled:
# signal this station's broker that the resource is available
self.printTrace('router','signalling broker of'+' '*50+operator.isAssignedTo().id)
elif (not station in self.pendingMachines) or (not station in self.toBeSignalled):
# signal the queue proceeding the station
assert operator.candidateEntity.currentStation in self.toBeSignalled, 'the candidateEntity currentStation is not picked by the Router'
assert operator.candidateEntity.currentStation in G.QueueList, 'the candidateEntity currentStation to receive signal from Router is not a queue'
if operator.candidateEntity.candidateReceiver.canAccept()\
and any(type=='Load' for type in operator.candidateEntity.candidateReceiver.multOperationTypeList):
# if the station is already is already signalled then do not send event
if not operator.candidateEntity.currentStation.loadOperatorAvailable.triggered:
self.printTrace('router','signalling queue'+' '*
# clear the pending lists of the router
......@@ -321,7 +254,6 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
# find the stations that can be signalled by the router
......@@ -361,10 +293,6 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
if entity.isCritical and not entity in self.criticalPending:
# find out which type of entities are we dealing with, managed entities or not
if self.pending:
if self.pending[0].manager:
self.printTrace('found pending entities'+'-'*12+'>', [str( for entity in self.pending if not entity.type=='Part'])
if self.criticalPending:
self.printTrace('found pending critical'+'-'*12+'>', [str( for entity in self.criticalPending if not entity.type=='Part'])
......@@ -378,9 +306,6 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
# . the candidate receivers of the entities (the stations the operators will be working at)
def findCandidateOperators(self):
# if we are not dealing with managed entities
if not self.managed:
# for each pendingMachine
for object in self.pendingMachines:
# find candidateOperators for each object operator
......@@ -396,7 +321,6 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
if not candidateOperator in self.candidateOperators:
# check the option of preemption if there are critical entities and no available operators
if not object.findReceiversFor(object) and\
any(entity for entity in object.getActiveObjectQueue() if entity.isCritical):
# for each of the following objects
......@@ -419,28 +343,9 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
# self.candidateOperators.append(preemptiveOperator)
# self.preemptiveOperators.append(preemptiveOperator)
# in case the router deals with managed entities
# if there are pendingEntities
if len(self.pending):
# for those pending entities that require a manager (MachineManagedJob case)
for entity in [x for x in self.pending if x.manager]:
# if the entity is ready to move to a machine and its manager is available
if entity.manager.checkIfResourceIsAvailable():
# check whether the entity canProceed and update the its candidateReceivers
if entity.canProceed()\
and not entity.manager in self.candidateOperators:
# TODO: check if preemption can be implemented for the managed case
# find the candidateEntities for each operator
# update the schedulingRule/multipleCriterionList of the Router
if self.sorting:
if self.managed:
self.printTrace('router found candidate operators'+' '*3,[ for operator in self.candidateOperators])
self.printTrace('router found candidate operators'+' '*3,
[(, [ for station in operator.candidateStations]) for operator in self.candidateOperators])
......@@ -509,11 +414,6 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
if operatorsWithOneOption:
self.candidateOperators.sort(key=lambda x: x in operatorsWithOneOption, reverse=True)
if self.managed:
self.printTrace('candidateEntities for each operator',\
[(str(,[str( for x in operator.candidateEntities])
for operator in self.candidateOperators])
# Sort pendingEntities
# TODO: sorting them according to the operators schedulingRule
......@@ -547,7 +447,6 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
# finally we have to sort before giving the entities to the operators
# If there is an entity which must have priority then it should be assigned first
# TODO: sorting after choosing candidateEntity
if not self.managed:
# for the candidateOperators that do have candidateEntities pick a candidateEntity
for operator in [x for x in self.candidateOperators if x.candidateStations]:
# find the first available entity that has no occupied receivers
......@@ -573,52 +472,6 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
if conflictingGroup.index(operator)!=0:
# if the moving entities are managed
# for the candidateOperators that do have candidateEntities pick a candidateEntity
for operator in [x for x in self.candidateOperators if x.candidateEntities]:
# find the first available entity that has no occupied receivers
if operator.candidateEntity:
if operator.candidateEntity.currentStation in self.pendingMachines:
# find the resources that are 'competing' for the same station
if not self.sorting:
# if there are entities that have conflicting receivers
if len(self.conflictingEntities):
# find the conflictingOperators
self.conflictingOperators=[operator for operator in self.candidateOperators\
if operator.candidateEntity in self.conflictingEntities or\
operator.candidateEntity.candidateReceiver in [x.candidateReceiver for x in self.conflictingEntities]]
# keep the sorting provided by the queues if there is conflict between operators
conflictingGroup=[] # list that holds the operators that have the same recipient
if len(self.conflictingOperators):
# for each of the candidateReceivers
for receiver in [x.candidateEntity.candidateReceiver for x in self.conflictingOperators]:
# find the group of operators that compete for this station
conflictingGroup=[operator for operator in self.conflictingOperators if operator.candidateEntity.candidateReceiver==receiver]
assert len([station for station in [x.candidateEntity.currentStation for x in conflictingGroup]]),\
'the conflicting entities must reside in the same queue'
# for each of the competing for the same station operators
for operator in conflictingGroup:
# find the index of entities to be operated by them in the queue that holds them
# the operator that can proceed is the manager of the entity as sorted by the queue that holds them
conflictingGroup.sort(key=lambda x: x.ind)
# the operators that are not first in the list cannot proceed
for operator in conflictingGroup:
if conflictingGroup.index(operator)!=0:
if self.managed:
self.printTrace('candidateReceivers for each entity ',[(str(,\
for entity in self.pending if entity.candidateReceiver])
# =======================================================================
# sorts the Operators of the Queue according to the scheduling rule
# =======================================================================
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