Commit 2a69b74b authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck

js: added carousel enhancer

parent 4afdb24a
......@@ -1545,6 +1545,189 @@
/* ********************************************************************** */
/* JQM Carousel */
/* ********************************************************************** */
* Generate a JQM carousel
* Full spec (property_dict) example (with defaults):
* {
* "generate": "widget",
* "type": "carousel",
* "property_dict" : {
* "id": null,
* "class_list": null,
* "handles": null,
* "bullets": true,
* "bulletspos": "bottom"
* "inset": null,
* "shadow": null,
* "corners": null,
* "transition": slide,
* "captions": null,
* "captionpos": null,
* "captiontheme": null,
* "thumbnail": null,
* "controller_id": null
* },
* "children": [
* {
* "href": null,
* "caption": {"text": null, "text_i18n": null},
* "content": [
* {"type": "img", "direct": {"src": "foo.html", "alt":""}...}
* ]
* }
* ]
* }
* @method carousel
* @param {object} spec JSON configuration
* @return {object} object including fragment, child-selector, placeholder
factory.widget.carousel = function (spec) {
var fragment, generator, empty_string, has_handles, make_handle, is_thumb,
controller, control, i, id, radio_id;
// makes carousel elements
generator = function (element, wrapper, i) {
var item, config, target, has_link, caption_wrapper, j, len, block,
is_img, section, arr, len, k;
config = wrapper.property_dict;
has_link = element.href;
len = element.content.length;
item = factory.element({
"type": "li",
"direct": {"className": (i === 0 ? "ui-carousel-active" : "")}
if (has_link) {
target = factory.element({
"type": "a",
"direct": {"className": "ui-link ui-carousel-selector"}
} else {
target = item;
// loop over all sections = array (left|center|right...?)
for (section in element) {
if (element.hasOwnProperty(section)) {
arr = element[section];
if (typeof arr === "object" && arr !== null) {
len = arr.length;
for (k = 0; k < len; k += 1) {
block = arr[k];
factory.util.generateCustomElement(block.type, block, element)[0]
if (has_link) {
return {
"type": "item",
"content": item
// make handle
make_handle = function (direction) {
return factory.element({
"type": "a",
"direct": {
"href": "#",
"className": "ui-carousel-handle ui-carousel-handle-" + direction +
" ui-btn ui-btn-icon-notext ui-corner-all ui-icon-carat-" +
direction.slice(0,1) + " ui-shadow translate"
"attributes": {"data-i18n": "global_dict." + direction},
"logic": {"text": direction}
fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
empty_string = "";
has_handles = spec.handles;
is_thumb = spec.thumbnails;
// list container - we spare declaring data-attributes
"type": "ul",
"direct": {
"role": "carousel",
"className": (spec.class_list || empty_string) + " ui-carousel " +
(is_thumb ? " ui-carousel-thumbnails " : " ui-carousel-bullets" +
((has_handles ? " ui-carousel-handles" : empty_string) +
(spec.shadow ? " ui-shadow" : empty_string) +
(spec.captions ? " ui-carousel-captions" : empty_string) +
(spec.inset ? " ui-carousel-inset" : empty_string) +
(spec.corners ? " ui-corner-all" : empty_string)))
"attributes": {
"data-enhanced": true,
"data-role": "carousel",
"tabindex": -1
"logic": {
"id": || null
// handles
if (has_handles) {
// bullets
if (!is_thumb) {
id = spec.controller_id || || util.uuid();
controller = factory.element({
"type": "div",
"direct": {
"id": "ui-carousel-barrel-" + id,
"className": "ui-carousel-controls " +
"ui-carousel-controls-" + (spec.bulletspos || "bottom")
"attributes": {},
"logic": {}
for (i = 0; i < spec.length; i += 1) {
radio_id = "radio-" + id;
"type": "input",
"label": true,
"direct": {
"id": (radio_id + "-" + i),
"name": radio_id,
"checked": (i === 0 ? "checked" : "")
"attributes": {
"type": "radio",
"data-iconpos": "notext"
"logic": {"value": i}
return {
"fragment": fragment,
"child_selector": fragment.querySelector("ul"),
"child_constructor": generator,
"child_mapper": spec.map_children,
"base": "li"
/* ********************************************************************** */
/* JQM Listview */
/* ********************************************************************** */
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