Commit 2de0f8ac authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck

doc: added first documentation files

parent ded1495e
App renderer Quick Documentation/API
Documentation Version 0.1 - May 2014
This is a quick guide on how to use the app renderer on
Please note:
- Latest branch is ecommerce-ui.git
- All branches have minor modifications and need to be merged into master
- This API describes the key functionalities (some elements will be missing)
0. Intro
1. API Portal Type Data
1. Creating a fieldlist file
2. Overrides & custom Fields
3. Field types currently supported
4. Rendering
5. Subordination
6. Formatting
7. "items" Property
8. Translations
9. Validations
10. Copy&Paste Examples of all fields
2. API Elements
1. Why generate in memory?
2. How does the renderer work?
3. Elements
4. Element "Logic" Options
5. Form Elements
6. JQM Widgets with Copy&Paste configuration
7. Dynos
8. Items
3. API Modules
4. API Renderer
5. API Navigation
7. API Actions
8. Tutorial Writing an App
0. Intro
Note upfront:
The renderer is not well coded. The target was to get something working
quickly, which has been patched, patched and patched for needs be. Time
permitting a nicer version should be made.
The idea of the renderer was to develop a system that would perform well on
mobile devices and scale to desktop (be responsive).
Major shortcomings of current frameworks are the need for heavy DOM
manipulation, so the approach taken here is to use the UI developed by
frameworks such as JQM but try to render fully asynchronously and in memory,
so that a page is only modified (= triggering repaint = slow) to inject a
fully enhanced page or large portions of it instead of inserting code and
then have JQM modify each element individually.
Still - this is only a prototype and can be much improved.
To work in memory and be able to manage the whole application through jio,
all content is generated from JSON.
Data (Portal Type Structure)
Data (items) are stored based on portal types. Every query must specifiy a
portal type at which point the renderer looks up the portal type field
definitions to know how a field should be rendered.
To have a working application, it is thus necessary to have a
(a) [portal_type]_fieldlist.json > explain field definitions
(b) [portal_type]_sample.json > to show some sample data
Also since the renderer only works with i18n, all necessary translations must
be specified in the language specific files
For details see [API Portal Type Data](www) and [API Modules > i18n](www)
Element Structure
There are five types of elements that can be generated (see [API elements](www))
(a) "elements" > plain HTML elements
(b) "widgets" > jQuery Mobile widgets (panel, list...)
(c) "items" > dynamic content (queried) mapped to HTML
(d) "modules" > plugins (currently not managed through renderer)
(e) "dynos" > dynamic containers = query and children showing dynamic data
All elements are created through a recursive asynchronous loop, which will
start from a page fragment and recursivly build the whole page including data
from all queries and necessary async requests.
Modules are currently handled on initialization only, but should eventually be
part of the renderer loop, too.
Details see [API Elements](www)
Storage Structure
Currently the app uses two storages.
(a) "items" > includes records of all portal types
(b) "settings" > includes all pages, portal_type definitions, dynos visited.
At some point, "settings" should be depreciated with all elements being
rendered as items, but no time to do this yet.
By setting it up this way, caching plugins/css via a manifest and "visting"
all necessary pages would make the application work offline.
Details see [API Modules > Storage](www)
The renderer will run the following steps for each element to assemble a DOM
in memory:
(a) fetch content configuration to render
(b) if dyno > if sample > test for sample data, load + save if none are found
(c) if dyno > if total query > run total query
(d) if dyno > run query
(e) render element > call mappings and renderer on children of element
Details see [API Renderer](www)
The renderer currently uses JQMs default navigation modified to allow
deeplinking and query parameters (used only for passing jio queries)
Details see [API Navigation](www)
All interactions inside an app should be handled through actions. Actions
trigger on submit, click and change of elements with a class of action.
Details see [API Actions](www)
Create an App
The basics to create an app are explained in a quick tutorial to be found:
here [API Tutorial](www)
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