Commit 2f7443cf authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck

data: removed bug_posting portal_type (unused)

parent f970ac68
"portal_type_source": "Bug Posting",
"portal_type_title": "bug_posting",
"initial_query": {"include_docs": true },
"property_dict": {
"no_content": true
"scheme": [],
"children": []
This diff is collapsed.
"portal_type_source": "Bug Posting",
"portal_type_title": "bug_posting",
"initial_query": {"include_docs": true, "limit":[0,1]},
"property_dict": {
"initial_query_url_identifier": "_id",
"force_new": true,
"skip_total_records": true,
"submit_to": "#bug_report_module",
"wrap_gadget": 1
"scheme": [{
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"field_list": [
{"field": "bug_title"},
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{"field": "bug_filed_by_email"},
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{"field": "ticket_status", "overrides": {"widget": {"hidden": true, "default_value": "open"}}}
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{"href": "bug_posting_file"}
"_id": "ticket001",
"bug_title": "Site does not load",
"bug_description": "When I open, I don't see anything. \n How can this be?",
"bug_filed_by_name": "John Doe",
"bug_filed_by_email": "",
"bug_priority": "4",
"bug_created": "2014/04/10",
"bug_icon": "bug",
"ticket_status": "Open"
\ No newline at end of file
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