Commit 3d3f513f authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck

added override to prevent JQM table popup creation

parent fb2959a5
......@@ -2634,6 +2634,7 @@
"portal_type_title": "invoices",
"layout": {
"jqm_table_properties": {
"nopop": true,
"enhanced": false,
"toggle": false,
"view": "columntoggle",
......@@ -4402,6 +4403,9 @@
if (settings.configuration.sorting) {
config["data-sort"] = "true";
if (settings.layout.jqm_table_properties.nopop) {
config["data-use-pop"] = false;
table = priv.generateElement("table", {"id":portal_type + "_1", "className":"table-stroke ui-responsive"}, config,{});
......@@ -449,6 +449,7 @@ $.widget( "mobile.table", {
$.widget( "mobile.table", $.mobile.table, {
options: {
usePop: true,
mode: "columntoggle",
columnBtnShow: true,
columnBtnTheme: null,
......@@ -469,32 +470,48 @@ $.widget( "mobile.table", $.mobile.table, {
_create: function() {
var o = this.options;
if( this.options.mode !== "columntoggle" ) {
if( o.mode !== "columntoggle" ) {
$.extend( this, {
_menu: null
_menu: null,
_menuButton: null
if( this.options.enhanced ) {
this._menu = this.document.find( this._id() + "-popup" ).children().first();
} else {
this._menu = this._enhanceColToggle();
this.element.addClass( this.options.classes.columnToggleTable );
if( o.usePop) {
if( o.enhanced ) {
this._menu = this.document.find( this._id() + "-popup" ).children().first();
} else {
this._menu = this._enhanceColToggle();
} else {
if (o.sort) {
if (o.wrap) {
_id: function() {
return ( this.element.attr( "id" ) || ( this.widgetName + this.uuid ) );
_setTableClasses: function () {
this.element.addClass( this.options.classes.columnToggleTable );
_setupEvents: function() {
//NOTE: inputs are bound in bindToggles,
// so it can be called on refresh, too
......@@ -584,14 +601,14 @@ $.widget( "mobile.table", $.mobile.table, {
_enhanceColToggle: function() {
var id , menuButton, popup, menu, front, back, slots, fill, i, sorts, btn, item,
var id, popup, menu,
table = this.element,
opts = this.options,
ns = $.mobile.ns,
fragment = $.mobile.document[ 0 ].createDocumentFragment();
fragment = this.document[ 0 ].createDocumentFragment();
id = this._id() + "-popup";
menuButton = $( "<a role='button' href='#" + id + "' " +
this._menuButton = $( "<a role='button' href='#" + id + "' " +
"class='" + opts.classes.columnBtn + " ui-btn ui-btn-" + ( opts.columnBtnTheme || "a" ) + " ui-corner-all ui-shadow ui-mini ui-icon ui-btn-icon-left ui-icon-"+ opts.columnBtnIcon +"' " +
"data-" + ns + "rel='popup' " +
"data-" + ns + "icon='" + opts.columnBtnIcon + "' " +
......@@ -604,89 +621,90 @@ $.widget( "mobile.table", $.mobile.table, {
menu.appendTo( popup );
// wrappers
// TODO: not nice, should be possible to wrap top with 3 elements
// and then where do you put the toggle button
// TODO: also not nice, because no way to latch on the filter
// TODO: also not nice, because data-slot-id is not used.
if (opts.wrap) {
fill = table.parent().find( "div[data-slot]" );
if (opts.wrap === "both") {
front = this._generateWrapper( opts.topGrid ).addClass("ui-table-wrapper-top");
back = this._generateWrapper( opts.bottomGrid ).addClass("ui-table-wrapper-bottom");
if (fill) {
slots = front.add( back ).children("div");
for (i = 0; i < fill.length; i += 1) {
item = parseFloat(fill.eq(i).jqmData("slot-id"))-1;
// skip slot 2
.appendTo( slots.eq( item || (i === 2 ? 3 : i)) );
if (opts.columnBtnShow) {
front.children("div").last().append( menuButton[ 0 ] );
fragment.appendChild( front[ 0 ] );
fragment.appendChild( popup[ 0 ] );
// not possible in one-go...
fragment.appendChild( popup[ 0 ] );
if (opts.columnBtnShow) {
fragment.appendChild( this._menuButton[ 0 ] );
table.before( fragment );
} else {
front = this._generateWrapper( opts.topGrid || opts.bottomGrid || 3).addClass("ui-table-wrapper-top");
if (fill.length) {
slots = front.children("div");
for (i = 0; i < fill.length; i += 1) {
// skip slot 2
.appendTo( slots.eq( i === 2 ? 3 : i ) );
if (opts.columnBtnShow) {
front.children("div").last().append( menuButton[ 0 ] );
fragment.appendChild( front[ 0 ] );
fragment.appendChild( popup[ 0 ] );
// always return the menu
return menu;
// not possible in one-go...
table[ opts.wrap === "top" ? "before" : "after"](fragment)
// wrappers
// TODO: not nice, should be possible to wrap top with 3 elements
// and then where do you put the toggle button
// TODO: also not nice, because no way to latch on the filter
// TODO: also not nice, because data-slot-id is not used.
_wrapTable: function () {
var front, back, slots, fill, i, item,
opts = this.options,
table = this.element;
fill = table.parent().find( "div[data-slot]" );
if (opts.wrap === "both") {
front = this._generateWrapper( opts.topGrid ).addClass("ui-table-wrapper-top");
back = this._generateWrapper( opts.bottomGrid ).addClass("ui-table-wrapper-bottom");
if (fill) {
slots = front.add( back ).children("div");
for (i = 0; i < fill.length; i += 1) {
item = parseFloat(fill.eq(i).jqmData("slot-id"))-1;
// skip slot 2
.appendTo( slots.eq( item || (i === 2 ? 3 : i)) );
// move toggle button
if (opts.columnBtnShow && this._menuButton) {
front.children("div").last().append( this._menuButton[ 0 ] );
// not possible in one-go...
// no wrap
} else {
fragment.appendChild( popup[ 0 ] );
front = this._generateWrapper( opts.topGrid || opts.bottomGrid || 3).addClass("ui-table-wrapper-top");
if (fill.length) {
slots = front.children("div");
for (i = 0; i < fill.length; i += 1) {
// skip slot 2
.appendTo( slots.eq( i === 2 ? 3 : i ) );
if (opts.columnBtnShow) {
fragment.appendChild( menuButton[ 0 ] );
front.children("div").last().append( this._menuButton );
table.before( fragment );
// not possible in one-go...
table[ opts.wrap === "top" ? "before" : "after"](front)
if (opts.sort) {
sorts = table.find( "thead tr th[data-sorting]" );
_setSorting: function () {
var sorts = this.element.find( "thead tr th[data-sorting]" ),
btn = $("<a />", {
class: "ui-sorting ui-btn ui-icon-sort ui-icon ui-btn-icon-right",
sorts.each(function(i, el) {
var $el = $(el);
$el.html( btn.clone().text( $el.text() ) );
popup.popup().children( "fieldset" ).controlgroup();
// always return the menu
return menu;
sorts.each(function(i, el) {
var $el = $(el);
$el.html( btn.clone().text( $el.text() ) );
rebuild: function() {
......@@ -703,7 +721,7 @@ $.widget( "mobile.table", $.mobile.table, {
_refresh: function( create ) {
this._super( create );
if ( !create && this.options.mode === "columntoggle" ) {
if ( !create && this.options.mode === "columntoggle" && this.options.usePop ) {
// columns not being replaced must be cleared from input toggle-locks
this._unlockCells( this.allHeaders );
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