Commit 6190e95f authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck

app: add query params matched to JIO api and lookup in setParam and setSubordinate

parent 52fea96c
......@@ -6011,6 +6011,14 @@
// test for auth based access
pass.grant = true;
// update initial query with urlQuery if one was passed
if (pass.url_dict.url_query) {
pass.config_dict.initial_query = util.mergeObject(
pass.config_dict.initial_query || {}
// fetch field definitions - why make a query without fieldlist?
if (pass.grant || pass.mode === "new") {
app.util.loader("", "status_dict.loading_config");
......@@ -6853,22 +6861,25 @@
* @param {object} wrapper Wrapping document
* @returns {object} kid
// TODO: clean up, no exceptions (location), clear key + val!
// TODO: make lookup parsing robust!
app.util.setParam = function (kid, wrapper) {
var i, len, param_list, param, href, loc, splitter, val;
var i, len, param_list, param, href, loc, splitter, key, val, lookup, new_val;
param_list = kid.logic.setParam;
for (i = 0, len = param_list.length; i < len; i += 1) {
param = param_list[i];
switch (param[1]) {
val = param[1];
key = param[0];
switch (val) {
// NOTE: hacked for oauth redirect url
// TODO: remove, not generic!
// TODO: find way to include encoding when setting a href
case "location":
href =;
splitter = href.indexOf("?") > 0 ? "&" : "?";
loc = window.location; += splitter + window.encodeURIComponent(param[0]) + += splitter + window.encodeURIComponent(key) +
"=" + window.encodeURIComponent(
loc.origin + loc.pathname + loc.hash.split("?")[0]
......@@ -6876,15 +6887,27 @@
// set values or flag for subordination inside map.element
if (param[1].split("subordinate_").length > 1) {
kid.needs_subordination = true;
} else {
val = param[0];
kid.logic[val] = kid.logic[val] || "";
kid.logic[val] +=[param[1]];
if (val === "href") {
kid.logic[val] = window.encodeURIComponent(kid.logic[val]);
kid.logic[key] = kid.logic[key] || "";
if (val.split("subordinate_").length > 1) {
// NOTE: try to get value from state/URL before flagging
// NOTE: must check for equality, otherwise id foo > foofoo
lookup = wrapper.property_dict.state.query.query;
if (lookup && lookup.indexOf(val) > -1) {
new_val = lookup.split(val)[1].split("+")[0]
.replace(":=", "").replace(")","");
if (kid.logic[key] !== new_val) {
kid.logic[key] += new_val;
} else {
kid.needs_subordination = true;
} else {
kid.logic[key] +=[val];
// if (key === "href") {
// kid.logic[key] = window.encodeURIComponent(kid.logic[key]);
// }
delete kid.logic.setParam[i];
......@@ -6892,6 +6915,56 @@
return kid;
* Parse url query parameter into storage query object
* Expects the following URL format:
* #foo&
* query:id=bar+foo=baz&
* limit:start=0+items=5&
* sort:id=ascending+foo=descending&
* select:id+foo+baz+cous
* @method parseUrlQuery
* @param {string} str String to parse
* @returns {object} Query to run based on parameters
app.util.parseQueryParameter = function (str) {
var i, param_list, param_len, param, initial_query, indicator,
param_list = str.split("&");
initial_query = {};
for (i = 0, param_len = param_list.length; i < param_len; i += 1) {
param = param_list[i].split(":");
indicator = param[0];
value_list = param[1];
switch (indicator) {
case "query":
initial_query.query = param[1].replace("=", ":=", "g")
.replace("+", " AND ", "g");
case "limit":
// NOTE: Thanks Tristan!
initial_query.limit = param[1].split("+")
.map(function (part) { return part.split("=")[1]; });
case "sort":
initial_query.sort_on = param[1].split("+").map(function (part) {
var s = part.split("=");
return [s[0], s[1]];
case "select":
initial_query.select_list = param[1].replace("+", ",", "g");
return initial_query;
* Parse a clicked link to determine which page to load
* @method parseLink
......@@ -6899,7 +6972,8 @@
* @return {object} navigation object
app.util.parseLink = function (url) {
var i, hash, path, clean_hash, decode, root, last;
var i, hash, path, clean_hash, decode, root, last, stripped, url_query,
hash = $.mobile.path.parseUrl(
url.replace($.mobile.dialogHashKey, "")
......@@ -6914,7 +6988,15 @@
clean_hash = hash;
if (clean_hash === "") {
// query parameters
strip = clean_hash.split("&");
stripped = strip[0];
if (strip.length > 1) {
url_query = app.util.parseQueryParameter(strip[1]);
if (stripped === "") {
root = util.getPage().getAttribute("data-url");
return {
"data_url": root,
......@@ -6922,12 +7004,13 @@
// check for mode
path = clean_hash.split("/");
path = stripped.split("/");
last = path.length -1;
return {
"mode": path[last],
"fragment_list": path,
"url_query": url_query,
"data_url": clean_hash,
"layout_level": last,
"deeplink": true,
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