Commit 7a48da05 authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck

updated JSON configuration to use breadcrumbs

parent 3734d9c2
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"type": "page",
"class_list": null,
"title": "Submit Your App",
"title_i18n": "pages.submit.title",
"title_i18n": "pages.apps.title",
"theme": "slapos-white",
"children": [
......@@ -2,9 +2,14 @@
"generate": "gadget",
"type": "setGlobalConfiguration",
"property_dict": {
"status_dict": {
"type" : "loader",
"theme": "slapos-black"
"no_content": true,
"path_dict": {
"data": "data/"
"data": "data/",
"home": "#dashboard"
"i18n": "i18next",
"i18n_dict": {
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"type": "p",
"direct": {"className": "ui-content-element translate responsive"},
"logic":{"text":"Adding an application to officeJS only requires 1 URL and 1 click. Please read the specifications for applications before submitting your own app. Only applications that meet the specifications will be published."}
}, {
"generate": "widget",
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"title": "Thanks",
"submission_info": "Thank you for submitting your application. If successfully validated, your application will be published in the OfficeJS HTML5 appstore."
"submit": {
"apps": {
"title": "Submit Your App",
"submission_info": "Adding an application to officeJS only requires 1 URL and 1 click. Please read the specifications for applications before submitting your own app. Only applications that meet the specifications will be published."
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"title": "Thanks",
"submission_info": "Thank you for submitting your application. If successfully validated, your application will be published in the OfficeJS HTML5 appstore."
"submit": {
"apps": {
"title": "提交您的应用",
"submission_info": "向OfficeJS添加一个应用只需要一个URL和一次轻松地点击。 请在提交您的应用前仔细阅读提交说明。 我们将只发布符合提交规范的应用。"
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