• Arnaud Fontaine's avatar
    erp5_certificate_authority: Certificate Authority Tool: All ERP5 objects... · 23b2b5fd
    Arnaud Fontaine authored
    erp5_certificate_authority: Certificate Authority Tool: All ERP5 objects *must* have have a Portal Type in Types Tool.
    And remove hack in erp5_promise which was creating a non-Portal Type class of
    portal_certificate_authority. Instead, add a depend on erp5_certificate_authority.
    `providesI*` accessors are now in BaseAccessorHolder rather than Base due to ZODB
    Components, this breaks reindexing (`AttributeError: providesIPredicate`).
    This gets rid of:
      WARNING ERP5Type.dynamic Cannot find a portal type definition for 'Certificate Authority Tool', trying to guess...
Certificate%20Authority%20Tool.xml 4.74 KB