• Jérome Perrin's avatar
    accounting_l10n_fr: export FEC only with ASCII characters · 4223004e
    Jérome Perrin authored
    in 5ae0508d (accounting_l10n_fr: Workaround encoding bugs
    in Test Compta Demat, 2023-03-31) we replaced a few characters
    that were known to be problematic, but while trying on some
    other production data, we found new problematic characters.
    This shown that this approach was too "optimistic" and that we
    the safest way to have a file that is compatible with Test
    Compta Demat is to use only ascii characters, this use
    unicodedata to try to retain the original characters (so that
    "Jérôme" becomes "Jerome") and also special case € to replace
    it by "EUR"
AccountingTransactionModule_aggregateFrenchAccountingTransactionFile.py 1.84 KB