• Jérome Perrin's avatar
    testCMFCategory: update comment about categories membership to self · b6f82d25
    Jérome Perrin authored
    Add a warning about the doubt regarding the example in comment, to me
    this does not depend on category being member of self.
    One reason for the membership to self - in my understanding - is to make
    inventory API work the same with movement to meta node categories or
    movement to nodes member of this category when using
    getInventory(node_category=(the meta node category))
    Also remove comment about what's said to be a "mistake" ( the svn url should
    be equivalent to git commit eedb2b29 )
    because this was never reverted and does not seem to be a mistake, the
    purpose of the change is to prevent having categories member of
    themselves twice.
testCMFCategory.py 56.8 KB