• Jérome Perrin's avatar
    patches: make Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings and ZPublisher.BeforeTraverse.MultiHook new-style classes · d28e6ae2
    Jérome Perrin authored
    This backports parts of zope commit bb7837c66 (Explicitly make all
    classes new-style., 2017-09-15) and 173658008 (Fix unpickling of instances
    those base class changed to a new-style class. (#208), 2017-10-24).
    This is done for two reasons:
     - so that business template XML are same when exported from zope4
       and from zope2
     - so that a business template created from zope4 can still be
       installed on zope2.
ZPublisherBeforeTraverse.py 801 Bytes