Commit 21ece045 authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

py2/py3: dict_key does not have sort().

parent a7d4459c
......@@ -1193,9 +1193,7 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
def _getObjectKeyList(self):
# sort to add objects before their subobjects
keys = ensure_list(self._objects.keys())
return keys
return sorted(self._objects.keys())
  • Isn't .keys() useless here ?

  • Yes, it's not following yet the rules that we were discussing on forum, this is still a case of "we don't know if it's python3 compatible because it's using .keys()" so technically speaking it's not in the wrong direction, but the dict story is not finished yet

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def unindexBrokenObject(self, item_path):
......@@ -1673,11 +1671,9 @@ class PathTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
if object_path is not None:
object_keys = [object_path]
object_keys = ensure_list(self._path_archive.keys())
object_keys = self._path_archive.keys()
p = context.getPortalObject()
for path in object_keys:
for path in sorted(object_keys, reverse=True):
path_list = self._resolvePath(p, [], path.split('/'))
except AttributeError:
......@@ -1728,9 +1724,7 @@ class PathTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
def build(self, context, **kw):, context, **kw)
p = context.getPortalObject()
keys = ensure_list(self._path_archive.keys())
for path in keys:
for path in sorted(self._path_archive.keys()):
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include_subobjects = 0
if path.endswith("**"):
include_subobjects = 1
......@@ -2081,14 +2075,11 @@ class RegisteredSkinSelectionTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
# Function to generate XML Code Manually
def generateXml(self, path=None):
xml_data = '<registered_skin_selection>'
keys = ensure_list(self._objects.keys())
for key in keys:
skin_selection_list = self._objects[key]
for key in sorted(self._objects.keys()):
  • (ditto)

    EDIT: actually, given that the loop is also accessing values, I think the following is more readable:

    for key, value in sorted(self._objects.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
        % ','.join(sorted(value))

    The lambda can be simplified into an itemgetter, or could be just discarded entirely (although this does not express the original intent).

    Edited by Vincent Pelletier
  • yesterday when I posted

    ... unless maybe the loop is doing something like this:

           for k in sorted(d):
             v = d[k]

    in such cases we can probably switch to for k, v in sorted(six.iteritems(d)) at the same time.

    I was thinking of this exact diff :)

  • I posted before seeing the edit. I believe we should use six.iteritems(self._objects) and not .items() to mark this as python3 compatible already.

    Also I'm wondering if it is really needed to use a lambda ? can't we expect that sorting the items produces the same result ?

  • I posted before seeing the edit. I believe we should use six.iteritems(self._objects) and not .items() to mark this as python3 compatible already.

    Ah right, I forgot this again. This is better.

    Also I'm wondering if it is really needed to use a lambda ? can't we expect that sorting the items produces the same result ?

    This is what I mean by (especially the last part):

    The lambda can be simplified into an itemgetter, or could be just discarded entirely (although this does not express the original intent).

  • This "use six.iter*() rule everywhere is a bit counter intuitive and easy to forget. We should try to cover it by the coding style test.

    Sorry about the lambda part, I understand now, I must have been reading too fast.

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xml_data += '\n <skin_folder_selection>'
xml_data += '\n <skin_folder>%s</skin_folder>' % key
xml_data += '\n <skin_selection>%s</skin_selection>' \
% ','.join(sorted(skin_selection_list))
% ','.join(sorted(self._objects[key]))
xml_data += '\n </skin_folder_selection>'
xml_data += '\n</registered_skin_selection>'
return xml_data
......@@ -2459,7 +2450,7 @@ class PortalTypeTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
def _getObjectKeyList(self):
# Sort portal types to install according to their dependencies
object_key_list = ensure_list(self._objects.keys())
object_key_list = self._objects.keys()
path_dict = dict(x.split('/')[1:] + [x] for x in object_key_list)
cache = {}
def solveDependency(path):
......@@ -2480,8 +2471,7 @@ class PortalTypeTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
return 0, path
cache[path] = score = depend and 1 + solveDependency(depend)[0] or 0
return score, path
return object_key_list
return sorted(object_key_list, key=solveDependency)
# XXX : this method is kept temporarily, but can be removed once all bt5 are
# re-exported with separated workflow-chain information
......@@ -2561,14 +2551,11 @@ class PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
# Function to generate XML Code Manually
def generateXml(self, path=None):
xml_data = '<workflow_chain>'
key_list = ensure_list(self._objects.keys())
for key in key_list:
workflow_list = self._objects[key]
for key in sorted(self._objects.keys()):
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xml_data += '\n <chain>'
xml_data += '\n <type>%s</type>' %(key,)
xml_data += '\n <workflow>%s</workflow>' %(
xml_data += '\n </chain>'
xml_data += '\n</workflow_chain>'
return xml_data
......@@ -2778,9 +2765,7 @@ class PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
# Function to generate XML Code Manually
def generateXml(self, path=None):
xml_data = '<%s>' %(self.xml_tag,)
key_list = ensure_list(self._objects.keys())
for key in key_list:
for key in sorted(self._objects.keys()):
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id_value = key.replace('%s/' % self.class_property, '')
allowed_item_list = sorted(self._objects[key])
xml_data += '\n <portal_type id="%s">' % (id_value)
......@@ -3668,9 +3653,7 @@ class SitePropertyTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
if len(self._objects) == 0:
xml_data = '<site_property>'
keys = ensure_list(self._objects.keys())
for path in keys:
for path in sorted(self._objects.keys()):
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xml_data += self.generateXml(path)
xml_data += '\n</site_property>'
bta.addObject(xml_data, name='properties', path=self.__class__.__name__)
......@@ -3736,9 +3719,7 @@ class ModuleTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
if len(self._objects) == 0:
path = self.__class__.__name__
keys = ensure_list(self._objects.keys())
for key in keys:
for key in sorted(self._objects.keys()):
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# export modules one by one
xml_data = self.generateXml(path=key)
bta.addObject(xml_data, name=key, path=path)
......@@ -132,8 +132,7 @@ if len(listbox_id_list):
listbox_line_list = []
listbox = kw[listbox_id]
listbox_keys = listbox.keys()
for key in listbox_keys:
for key in sorted(listbox_keys):
  • listbox_keys is not used later, so this can be simplified, and previous comments taken into account.

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listbox_line = listbox[key]
listbox_line['listbox_key'] = key
......@@ -14,9 +14,8 @@ from pprint import pformat
ret = '<html><body><table width=100%>\n'
property_dict = context.showDict().items()
i = 0
for k,v in property_dict:
for k,v in sorted(property_dict):
  • property_dict is not used elsewherem so this can be simplified.

    Also, the coding style on the same could be fixed.

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if (i % 2) == 0:
c = '#88dddd'
......@@ -36,11 +36,10 @@ else:
modified_object_list = getModifiedObjectList(bt1, bt2)
keys = modified_object_list.keys()
i = 0
object_list = []
for object_id in keys:
for object_id in sorted(keys):
  • keys is not used elsewhere, so this can be simplified.

    EDIT: also, enumerate can be used to simplify the code further.

    Edited by Vincent Pelletier
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object_state, object_class = modified_object_list[object_id]
line = newTempBase(context, 'tmp_install_%s' %(str(i)))
line.edit(object_id=object_id, object_state=object_state, object_class=object_class, bt1=bt1.getId(), bt2=bt2.getId())
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ getModifiedObjectList = CachingMethod(getModifiedObjectList,
modified_object_list = getModifiedObjectList(context)
keys = ensure_list(modified_object_list.keys())
no_backup_list = ['Action', 'SiteProperty', 'Module', 'Document',
'PropertySheet', 'Extension', 'Test', 'Product', 'Role',
......@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ save_and_remove_title = Base_translateString('Backup And Remove')
i = 0
object_list = []
for object_id in keys:
for object_id in sorted(keys):
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object_state, object_class = modified_object_list[object_id]
line = newTempBase(context, 'tmp_install_%s' %(str(i)))
if object_state == 'New':
......@@ -45,8 +45,7 @@ for form in (real_form, target_form):
listbox_line_list = []
listbox = getattr(request,'listbox',None) # XXX: hardcoded field name
listbox_keys = listbox.keys()
for key in listbox_keys:
for key in sorted(listbox_keys):
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listbox_line = listbox[key]
listbox_line['listbox_key'] = key
......@@ -19,10 +19,9 @@ if hasattr(request, listbox_id):
# initialize the listbox
keys_list = listbox.keys()
keys_list = sorted(listbox.keys(), key=int)
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if keys_list != []:
first_empty_line_id = int(keys_list[-1])+1
for i in keys_list:
......@@ -46,8 +46,7 @@ save_and_remove_title = Base_translateString('Backup And Remove')
for bt in bt_id_list:
bt_title, modified_object_list = bt_object_dict[bt]
keys = modified_object_list.keys()
for i, object_id in enumerate(keys):
for i, object_id in enumerate(sorted(keys)):
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object_state, object_class = modified_object_list[object_id]
object_id = bt+'|'+object_id
line = newTempBase(context, 'tmp_install_%s' % i)
......@@ -691,8 +691,7 @@ def getValidCriterionDict(worklist_match_dict, sql_catalog,
def updateWorklistSetDict(worklist_set_dict, workflow_worklist_key, valid_criterion_dict):
worklist_set_dict_key = valid_criterion_dict.keys()
if len(worklist_set_dict_key):
worklist_set_dict_key = tuple(worklist_set_dict_key)
worklist_set_dict_key = tuple(sorted(worklist_set_dict_key))
if worklist_set_dict_key not in worklist_set_dict:
worklist_set_dict[worklist_set_dict_key] = {}
......@@ -143,16 +143,14 @@ def Base_asXML(object, root=None):
# We have to describe the workflow history
if getattr(self, 'workflow_history', None) is not None:
workflow_list = self.workflow_history
workflow_list_keys = ensure_list(workflow_list.keys())
workflow_list_keys.sort() # Make sure it is sorted
workflow_list_keys = workflow_list.keys()
for workflow_id in workflow_list_keys:
for workflow_id in sorted(workflow_list_keys): # Make sure it is sorted
for workflow_action in workflow_list[workflow_id]:
workflow_node = SubElement(object, 'workflow_action',
workflow_variable_list = ensure_list(workflow_action.keys())
for workflow_variable in workflow_variable_list:
workflow_variable_list = workflow_action.keys()
for workflow_variable in sorted(workflow_variable_list):
variable_type = "string" # Somewhat bad, should find a better way
if workflow_variable.find('time') >= 0:
variable_type = "date"
......@@ -644,9 +644,8 @@ class MessageCatalog(LanguageManager, ObjectManager, SimpleItem):
return x
# Generate sorted msgids to simplify diffs
dkeys = ensure_list(d.keys())
for k in dkeys:
dkeys = d.keys()
for k in sorted(dkeys):
r.append('msgid "%s"' % backslashescape(k))
v = d[k]
r.append('msgstr "%s"' % backslashescape(v))
......@@ -118,9 +118,8 @@ class BaseMailTemplate:
# we want to have it stored in ERP5, for mail threading
headers['Message-ID'] = make_msgid()
# turn headers into an ordered list for predictable header order
keys = ensure_list(headers.keys())
return msg,values,[(key,headers[key]) for key in keys]
keys = headers.keys()
return msg,values,[(key,headers[key]) for key in sorted(keys)]
def _send(self,mfrom,mto,msg):
......@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ class FSMailTemplate(BaseMailTemplate,FSPageTemplate):
obj.content_type = self.content_type
if self._properties:
keys = self._properties.keys()
for id in keys:
for id in sorted(keys):
if id not in ('mailhost','content_type'):
return obj
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