Commit 3bd82674 authored by Aurel's avatar Aurel

* check if business template is in new format to make diff

* add diff for objects Module, Site property, Role, CatalogResultKey,
CatalogResultTable and CatalogRelatedKey

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent e2a3cc40
......@@ -329,7 +329,6 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
for oid, module in backup_list :
def diff(self, **kw):
Make a diff between two Business Template
......@@ -343,23 +342,30 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
bt1 = self.portal_catalog.getObject(uids[0])
if bt1.getBuildingState() != 'built':
raise TemplateConditionError, 'Business Template must be built to make diff'
if (getattr(bt1, 'template_format_version', 0)) != 1:
raise TemplateConditionError, 'Business Template must be in new format'
# check if there is a second bt is or if we compare to installed one
if len(uids) == 2:
bt2 = self.portal_catalog.getObject(uids[1])
if bt2.getBuildingState() != 'built':
raise TemplateConditionError, 'Business Template must be built to make diff'
if (getattr(bt2, 'template_format_version', 0)) != 1:
raise TemplateConditionError, 'Business Template must be in new format'
compare_to_installed = 1
installed_bt = self.getInstalledBusinessTemplate(title=bt1.getTitle())
if installed_bt is None:
raise NotFound, 'Installed business template with title %s not found' %(bt1.getTitle(),)
raise NotFound, 'Installed business template with title %s not found' %(bt1.getTitle(),)
LOG('compare to installed bt', 0, str((bt2.getTitle(), bt2.getId())))
# get a copy of the installed bt
bt2 = self.manage_clone(ob=installed_bt, id='installed_bt')
bt2.edit(description='tmp bt generated for diff')
# make the diff
# separate item because somes are exported with zope exportXML and other with our own method
diff_msg = 'Diff between %s-%s and %s-%s' %(bt1.getTitle(), bt1.getId(), bt2.getTitle(), bt2.getId())
item_list = ['_product_item', '_workflow_item', '_portal_type_item', '_category_item', '_path_item', '_skin_item', '_action_item']
for item_name in item_list:
# for the one with zope exportXml
item_list_1 = ['_product_item', '_workflow_item', '_portal_type_item', '_category_item', '_path_item', '_skin_item', '_action_item']
for item_name in item_list_1:
item1 = getattr(bt1, item_name)
# build current item if we compare to installed bt
if compare_to_installed:
......@@ -383,6 +389,25 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
if len(diff_list) != 0:
diff_msg += '\n\nObject %s diff :\n' %(key)
diff_msg += '\n'.join(diff_list)
# for our own way to generate xml
item_list_2 = ['_role_item', '_site_property_item', '_module_item', '_catalog_result_key_item', '_catalog_related_key_item', '_catalog_result_table_item']
for item_name in item_list_2:
item1 = getattr(bt1, item_name)
# build current item if we compare to installed bt
if compare_to_installed:
getattr(bt2, item_name).build(bt2)
item2 = getattr(bt2, item_name)
for key in item1._objects.keys():
if item2._objects.has_key(key):
obj1_xml = item1.generate_xml(path=key)
obj2_xml = item2.generate_xml(path=key)
ob1_xml_lines = obj1_xml.splitlines()
ob2_xml_lines = obj2_xml.splitlines()
diff_list = list(unified_diff(ob1_xml_lines, ob2_xml_lines, fromfile=bt1.getId(), tofile=bt2.getId(), lineterm=''))
if len(diff_list) != 0:
diff_msg += '\n\nObject %s diff :\n' %(key)
diff_msg += '\n'.join(diff_list)
if compare_to_installed:
return diff_msg
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