Commit 62f23b36 authored by wenjie.zheng's avatar wenjie.zheng Add functions which are related to Displaying Action in action... Add functions which are related to Displaying Action in action box. Such as listObjectActions, getWorklistVariableMatchDict.
parent 1d652456
......@@ -50,10 +50,12 @@ from Products.DCWorkflow.States import StateDefinition as DCWorkflowState
from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import ObjectDeleted
from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import ObjectMoved
from Products.DCWorkflow.utils import Message as _
from DocumentTemplate.DT_Util import TemplateDict
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import UpperCase
from Acquisition import aq_base
from DateTime import DateTime
from Products.CMFCore.Expression import Expression
class Workflow(XMLObject):
......@@ -243,6 +245,10 @@ class Workflow(XMLObject):
### zwj: clean Permission Role list for next role mapping
del self.erp5_permission_roles[permission_roles]
return changed
### Security feature end
def getRoleList(self):
return sorted(self.getPortalObject().getDefaultModule('acl_users').valid_roles())
......@@ -296,7 +302,121 @@ class Workflow(XMLObject):
if moved_exc is not None:
# Re-raise.
raise moved_exc
### Security feature end
def listObjectActions(self, info):
fmt_data = None
document = info.object
state_bc_id = self.getStateBaseCategory()
status_dict = self.getCurrentStatusDict(document)
sdef = self._getOb(status_dict[state_bc_id])
if sdef is None:
return None
res = []
for tid in sdef.getDestinationIdList():
tdef = self._getOb(id=tid)
LOG('zwj: Action is %s'%tid, WARNING, ' in')
if tdef is not None and tdef.trigger_type == TRIGGER_USER_ACTION and \
tdef.actbox_name and self._checkTransitionGuard(tdef, document):
if fmt_data is None:
fmt_data = TemplateDict()
fmt_data._push({'transition_id': tid})
res.append((tid, {
'id': tid,
'name': tdef.actbox_name % fmt_data,
'url': str(tdef.actbox_url) % fmt_data,
'icon': str(tdef.actbox_icon) % fmt_data,
'permissions': (), # Predetermined.
'category': tdef.actbox_category,
'transition': tdef}))
return [ result[1] for result in res ]
from Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool import SECURITY_PARAMETER_ID, WORKLIST_METADATA_KEY
def getWorklistVariableMatchDict(self, info, check_guard=True):
Return a dict which has an entry per worklist definition
(worklist id as key) and which value is a dict composed of
variable matches.
if not self.objectValues(portal_type='Worklist'):
return None
portal = self.getPortalObject()
def getPortalTypeListForWorkflow(workflow_id):
workflow_tool = portal.portal_workflow
result = []
append = result.append
for type_info in workflow_tool._listTypeInfo():
portal_type =
if workflow_id in workflow_tool.getChainFor(portal_type):
return result
_getPortalTypeListForWorkflow = CachingMethod(getPortalTypeListForWorkflow,
id='_getPortalTypeListForWorkflow', cache_factory = 'erp5_ui_long')
portal_type_list = _getPortalTypeListForWorkflow(
if not portal_type_list:
return None
variable_match_dict = {}
security_manager = getSecurityManager()
workflow_id =
workflow_title = self.title
for worklist_id, worklist_definition in self.worklists.items():
action_box_name = worklist_definition.actbox_name
guard = worklist_definition.guard
if action_box_name:
variable_match = {}
for key in worklist_definition.getVarMatchKeys():
var = worklist_definition.getVarMatch(key)
if isinstance(var, Expression):
evaluated_value = var(createExprContext(StateChangeInfo(portal,
self, kwargs=info.__dict__.copy())))
if isinstance(evaluated_value, (str, int, long)):
evaluated_value = [str(evaluated_value)]
evaluated_value = [x % info for x in var]
variable_match[key] = evaluated_value
if 'portal_type' in variable_match and len(variable_match['portal_type']):
portal_type_intersection = set(variable_match['portal_type'])\
# in case the current workflow is not associated with portal_types
# defined on the worklist, don't display the worklist for this
# portal_type.
variable_match['portal_type'] = list(portal_type_intersection)
variable_match.setdefault('portal_type', portal_type_list)
if len(variable_match.get('portal_type', [])) == 0:
is_permitted_worklist = 0
if guard is None:
is_permitted_worklist = 1
elif (not check_guard) or \
Guard_checkWithoutRoles(guard, security_manager, self, portal):
is_permitted_worklist = 1
variable_match[SECURITY_PARAMETER_ID] = guard.roles
if is_permitted_worklist:
format_data = TemplateDict()
variable_match.setdefault(SECURITY_PARAMETER_ID, ())
format_data._push(dict((k, ('&%s:list=' % k).join(v)) for\
k, v in variable_match.iteritems()))
variable_match[WORKLIST_METADATA_KEY] = {'format_data': format_data,
'worklist_title': action_box_name,
'worklist_id': worklist_id,
'workflow_title': workflow_title,
'workflow_id': workflow_id,
'action_box_url': worklist_definition.actbox_url,
'action_box_category': worklist_definition.actbox_category}
variable_match_dict[worklist_id] = variable_match
if len(variable_match_dict) == 0:
return None
return variable_match_dict
## Graph ##
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