Commit 67c801cd authored by Kevin Deldycke's avatar Kevin Deldycke

Override PortalContent __call__ method to adapt behaviour for content called within a web site.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 048008be
......@@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ def initializePortalTypeDynamicWorkflowMethods(self, klass, prop_holder):
method = WorkflowMethod(method, method_id)
setattr(prop_holder, method_id, method)
class Base( CopyContainer, PortalContent, ActiveObject, ERP5PropertyManager ):
This is the base class for all ERP5 Zope objects.
......@@ -382,6 +383,21 @@ class Base( CopyContainer, PortalContent, ActiveObject, ERP5PropertyManager ):
# We want to use a default property view
manage_propertiesForm = DTMLFile( 'dtml/properties', _dtmldir )
def __call__(self):
This method override PortalContent.__call__() method to get an altenate
default view if we have Web Site in the acquisition path.
If object is called within a Web Site object, try to use 'web_view' action
as default view. Else, use the default 'view' action as returned by the
default __call__ method of Portal Content objects.
rq = self.REQUEST
if hasattr(rq, 'web_site_value') and not (hasattr(rq, 'ignore_layout') or hasattr(rq, 'editable_mode')):
return _getViewFor(self, view='web_view')()
call_method = getattr(PortalContent, '__call__', None)
return call_method(self)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setTitle' )
def setTitle(self, value):
""" sets the title. (and then reindexObject)"""
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