Commit 862fb490 authored by Sebastien Robin's avatar Sebastien Robin

fixed migration problem when the id_group was not a string

(it happened that the id_group was a tuple).

check migration if dict_ids in testIdToolUpgrade

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 10410078
......@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ class ZODBContinuousIncreasingIdGenerator(IdGenerator):
# Dump the dict_ids dictionary
if getattr(portal_ids, 'dict_ids', None) is not None:
for id_group, last_id in portal_ids.dict_ids.items():
if not isinstance(id_group, str):
id_group = repr(id_group)
if self.last_id_dict.has_key(id_group) and \
self.last_id_dict[id_group] > last_id:
......@@ -47,16 +47,23 @@ class TestIdTool(ERP5TypeTestCase):
return "Test Id Tool Upgrade"
def testUpgradeSQLNonContinuousIdGenerator(self):
def testUpgradeIdToolDicts(self):
# With old erp5_core, we have no generators, no IdTool_* zsql methods,
# and we have a dictionary stored on id tool
id_tool = self.getPortal().portal_ids
# Rebuild a persistent mapping like it already existed in beginning 2010
# First persistent mapping of generateNewLengthIdList
id_tool.dict_length_ids = PersistentMapping()
id_tool.dict_length_ids['foo'] = Length(5)
id_tool.dict_length_ids['bar'] = Length(5)
id_tool.IdTool_zSetLastId(id_group='foo', last_id=5)
id_tool.IdTool_zSetLastId(id_group='bar', last_id=10)
# Then persistent mapping of generateNewId
id_tool.dict_ids = PersistentMapping()
id_tool.dict_ids['foo'] = 3
# it was unfortunately possible to define something else
# than strings
id_tool.dict_ids[('bar','baz')] = 2
# Delete new zsql methods which are used by new code
skin_folder = self.getPortal().portal_skins.erp5_core
custom_skin_folder = self.getPortal().portal_skins.custom
......@@ -94,8 +101,12 @@ class TestIdTool(ERP5TypeTestCase):
id_list = id_tool.generateNewLengthIdList(id_group='foo')
# it is known that with current upgrade there is a whole
self.assertEquals(id_list, [7])
new_id = id_tool.generateNewId(id_group='foo')
self.assertEquals(new_id, 4)
new_id = id_tool.generateNewId(id_group=('bar','baz'))
self.assertEquals(new_id, 3)
# Make sure that the old code is not used any more, so the dic on
# id tool should not change
# id tool should not change, checking for length_dict
self.assertEquals(int(id_tool.dict_length_ids['foo'].value), 6)
id_list = id_tool.generateNewLengthIdList(id_group='bar')
self.assertEquals(id_list, [11])
......@@ -105,3 +116,12 @@ class TestIdTool(ERP5TypeTestCase):
generator = generator_list[0]
self.assertEquals(generator.last_max_id_dict['foo'].value, 7)
self.assertEquals(generator.last_max_id_dict['bar'].value, 11)
# Make sure that the old code is not used any more, so the dic on
# id tool should not change, checking for dict
self.assertEquals(id_tool.dict_ids['foo'], 3)
generator_list = [x for x in id_tool.objectValues()
if x.getReference()=='zodb_continuous_increasing']
self.assertEquals(len(generator_list), 1)
generator = generator_list[0]
self.assertEquals(generator.last_id_dict['foo'], 4)
self.assertEquals(generator.last_id_dict["('bar', 'baz')"], 3)
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