Commit a31eab5f authored by Xiaowu Zhang's avatar Xiaowu Zhang

erp5_authentication_policy: force user to change password if not yet do

parent f5f322a5
......@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@ if password_event_list:
password_lifetime_expire_warning_duration = portal_preferences.getPreferredPasswordLifetimeExpireWarningDuration()
if password_lifetime_expire_warning_duration and now > expire_date - password_lifetime_expire_warning_duration * ONE_HOUR:
expire_date_warning = expire_date
# No Password Event found means user doesn't yet change password
# Force user to change it if authentication policy is configured
if portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredMaxPasswordLifetimeDuration() is not None:
if context.getPassword():
is_password_expired = True
request = portal.REQUEST
request.set('is_user_account_password_expired', is_password_expired)
request.set('is_user_account_password_expired_expire_date', expire_date_warning)
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