Commit c6b927af authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin Committed by Kazuhiko Shiozaki

km: use context free document lookup in "document renderer"

This gadget looks up a document by reference, by using
getDocumentValueList on the context of the web section.
getDocumentValueList also applies the criterions from the context, but
because web page references are already unique, adding more criterions
can just cause the document to be not found and the gadget to display
the "No document" error.
parent 35bd785e
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ if box_relative_url:
preferences = box.KnowledgeBox_getDefaultPreferencesDict()
reference=preferences.get('preferred_document_reference', None)
if reference is not None:
web_page_list = context.getDocumentValueList(reference=reference, all_languages=True,
web_page_list = portal.portal_catalog.getDocumentValueList(reference=reference, all_languages=True,
portal_type='Web Page')
if len(web_page_list):
return '<div class="web-page-renderer">%s</div>' %web_page_list[0].getObject().asStrippedHTML()
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