Commit d173ff54 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Add a unit test for cached skins tool.

Improve log message triggered at cache fill.
Improve cache update : Avoid forced invalidation of cache all threads. Instead, update for current thread, and plan cache invalidation (mark skin tool as modified) so that other threads get their cache invalidated at transaction commit.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 2dba0994
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def CMFCoreSkinnableSkinnableObjectManager___getattr__(self, name):
skin_selection_mapping = portal_skins._v_skin_location_list
except AttributeError:
LOG('Skinnable Monkeypatch __getattr__', 0, 'Initial skin cache fill. This should not happen often. %s' % (get_ident(), ))
LOG('Skinnable Monkeypatch __getattr__', 0, 'Initial skin cache fill. This should not happen often. Current thread id:%X' % (get_ident(), ))
skin_selection_mapping = portal_skins._v_skin_location_list
......@@ -35,15 +35,37 @@ def CMFCoreSkinsTool_manage_skinLayers(self, chosen=(), add_skin=0, del_skin=0,
def CMFCoreSkinsTool__updateCacheEntry(self, container_id, object_id):
Actually, do not even try to update the cache smartly : it would only
update the cache of the current thread. So just mark the object as
modified (for other thread to refresh) and delete the cache (to force
current thread to refresh too before future cache uses in the samle
Update skin cache.
We must update the cache in a CPU-efficient way.
We cannot synchronize caches from multiple threads.
We must avoid generating the cache multiple times in the same
transaction, so it must be updated whenever possible.
We mark the skin tool object as modified and we update the cache of
current thread.
This way, all threads will get a cache invalidation, but still current
thread won't suffer from systematic complete cache recreation each time
it must be updated.
Also, if the transaction gets aborted the cache should be flushed, but only
for the current thread. XXX: This is an unchecked assertion.
if getattr(self, '_v_skin_location_list', None) is not None:
skin_location_list = getattr(self, '_v_skin_location_list', None)
if skin_location_list is not None:
self._p_changed = 1
delattr(self, '_v_skin_location_list')
for selection_name, skin_folder_id_string in self._getSelections().iteritems():
skin_folder_id_list = skin_folder_id_string.split(',')
if container_id in skin_folder_id_list:
this_folder_index = skin_folder_id_list.index(container_id)
if skin_location_list.has_key(object_id):
existing_folder_index = skin_folder_id_list.index(skin_location_list[object_id])
existing_folder_index = this_folder_index + 1
if existing_folder_index > this_folder_index:
skin_location_list[selection_name][object_id] = container_id
SkinsTool.manage_skinLayers = CMFCoreSkinsTool_manage_skinLayers
SkinsTool._updateCacheEntry = CMFCoreSkinsTool__updateCacheEntry
# Copyright (c) 2006 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Vincent Pelletier <>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
class TestCachedSkinsTool(ERP5TypeTestCase):
Test Cached version of the CMF SkinsTool.
def getBusinessTemplateList(self):
return tuple()
def getTitle(self):
return "CachedSkinsTool"
def afterSetUp(self):
skins_tool = self.getSkinsTool()
tested_skin_folder = getattr(skins_tool, TESTED_SKIN_FOLDER_ID, None)
if tested_skin_folder is None:
# Call changeSkin before each step to make sure SKINDATA is cleared
# (request-scope cache).
# Use None as skinname to keep using the default one.
def login(self):
uf = self.getPortal().acl_users
uf._doAddUser('vincent', '', ['Manager'], [])
user = uf.getUserById('vincent').__of__(uf)
newSecurityManager(None, user)
def getSkinnableObject(self):
Return the skinnable object (access to SkinsTool through cache).
return self.getPortal()
def getSkinsTool(self):
Return the SkinsTool (access to SkinsSool without cache).
return self.getPortal().portal_skins
def getTestedSkinFolder(self):
Return the Folder object in which the test should create its objects.
return self.getSkinsTool()[TESTED_SKIN_FOLDER_ID]
def test_01_notExistingIsNotFound(self):
Check that the received class has the minimum requirements which makes
a dict usable from zope restricted environment.
searched_object_id = 'dummyNotFound'
self.assertTrue(getattr(self.getSkinnableObject(), searched_object_id, None) is None)
self.assertTrue(getattr(self.getTestedSkinFolder(), searched_object_id, None) is None)
def test_02_createdIsFound(self):
searched_object_id = 'dummyFound'
tested_skin_folder = self.getTestedSkinFolder()
self.assertTrue(getattr(self.getSkinnableObject(), searched_object_id, None) is not None)
self.assertTrue(getattr(tested_skin_folder, searched_object_id, None) is not None)
def test_03_deletedIsNotFound(self):
searched_object_id = 'dummyFound'
tested_skin_folder = self.getTestedSkinFolder()
skinnable_object = self.getSkinnableObject()
# Access the object to make sure it is present in cache.
self.assertTrue(getattr(skinnable_object, searched_object_id, None) is not None)
self.assertTrue(getattr(tested_skin_folder, searched_object_id, None) is not None)
self.assertTrue(getattr(skinnable_object, searched_object_id, None) is None)
self.assertTrue(getattr(tested_skin_folder, searched_object_id, None) is None)
def test_04_manageRenameObject(self):
searched_object_id = 'dummyFound'
searched_object_other_id = 'dummyFoundToo'
tested_skin_folder = self.getTestedSkinFolder()
skinnable_object = self.getSkinnableObject()
# Commit transaction so that the created object gets a _p_jar, so it can be renamed.
# See OFS.CopySupport:CopySource.cb_isMoveable()
# Access the object to make sure it is present in cache.
self.assertTrue(getattr(skinnable_object, searched_object_id, None) is not None)
self.assertTrue(getattr(tested_skin_folder, searched_object_id, None) is not None)
tested_skin_folder.manage_renameObject(id=searched_object_id, new_id=searched_object_other_id)
self.assertTrue(getattr(skinnable_object, searched_object_id, None) is None)
self.assertTrue(getattr(tested_skin_folder, searched_object_id, None) is None)
self.assertTrue(getattr(skinnable_object, searched_object_other_id, None) is not None)
self.assertTrue(getattr(tested_skin_folder, searched_object_other_id, None) is not None)
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