Commit d509398e authored by Nicolas Dumazet's avatar Nicolas Dumazet

Share code necessary for portal type classes.

Note that resetDynamicDocuments is disabled, and
that initializeDynamicModules() is never called:
this change should have no effect.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 86fd72ce
from Products.ERP5Type.Base import Base as ERP5Base
from ExtensionClass import Base as ExtensionBase
from zLOG import LOG, ERROR, BLATHER
def lazyclass(name, portal_type_class_attr_getter):
def load(self, attr):
klass = None
# self might be a subclass of a portal type class
# we need to find the right parent class to change
for candidate_klass in self.__class__.__mro__:
# XXX hardcoded, this doesnt look too good
if candidate_klass.__module__ == "erp5.portal_type":
klass = candidate_klass
if klass is None:
raise AttributeError("Could not find a portal type class in class hierarchy")
portal_type = klass.__name__
baseclasses, attributes = portal_type_class_attr_getter(portal_type)
LOG("ERP5Type.Dynamic", ERROR,
"Could not access Portal Type Object for type %s" % name)
import traceback; traceback.print_exc()
raise AttributeError("Could not access Portal Type Object for type %s" % name)
# save the old bases to be able to restore a ghost state later
klass.__ghostbase__ = klass.__bases__
klass.__bases__ = baseclasses
for key, value in attributes.iteritems():
setattr(klass, key, value)
# beware of the scary meta type
type(ExtensionBase).__init__(klass, klass)
return getattr(self, attr)
class GhostPortalType(ERP5Base): #SimpleItem
Ghost state for a portal type that is not loaded.
One instance of this class exists per portal type class on the system.
When an object of this portal type is loaded (a new object is created,
or an attribute of an existing object is accessed) this class will
change the bases of the portal type class so that it points to the
correct Document+Mixin+interfaces+AccessorHolder classes.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
load(self, '__init__')(*args, **kw)
def __getattribute__(self, attr):
This is only called once to load the class.
Because __bases__ is changed, the behavior of this object
will change after the first call.
if attr in ('__class__',
'__str__') or attr[:3] in ('_p_', '_v_'):
return super(GhostPortalType, self).__getattribute__(attr)
#LOG("ERP5Type.Dynamic", BLATHER,
# "loading attribute %s.%s..." % (name, attr))
return load(self, attr)
return type(name, (GhostPortalType,), dict())
import dynamicmodule
import lazyclass
import sys
import inspect
from types import ModuleType
from Products.ERP5Type.patches.getSite import getSite
from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import setDefaultClassProperties
from Products.ERP5Type.Cache import ZODBCookie
from Products.ERP5Type import document_class_registry, mixin_class_registry
from zLOG import LOG, ERROR, BLATHER from zLOG import LOG, ERROR, BLATHER
def _import_class(classpath):
module_path, class_name = classpath.rsplit('.', 1)
module = __import__(module_path, {}, {}, (module_path,))
klass = getattr(module, class_name)
# XXX is this required? (here?)
return klass
import traceback; traceback.print_exc()
raise ImportError('Could not import document class %s' % classpath)
def portal_type_factory(portal_type_name):
Given a portal type, look up in Types Tool the corresponding
Base Type object holding the definition of this portal type,
and computes __bases__ and __dict__ for the class that will
be created to represent this portal type
LOG("ERP5Type.Dynamic", 0, "Loading portal type %s..." % portal_type_name)
type_class = None
mixin_list = []
interface_list = []
# two exceptions that cant be loaded from types tool:
if portal_type_name == "Base Type":
# avoid chicken and egg issue:
# you can access portal_types/Foo if you havent
# loaded Base Type class, but you cant load
# Base Type class without accessing portal_types/Base Type
type_class = "ERP5TypeInformation"
elif portal_type_name == "Business Template":
# When installing a BT, Business Templates are loaded
# before creating any Base Type object
type_class = "BusinessTemplate"
site = getSite()
type_tool = site.portal_types
portal_type = getattr(type_tool, portal_type_name)
import traceback; traceback.print_stack()
raise AttributeError('portal type %s not found in Types Tool' \
% portal_type_name)
# type_class has a compatibility getter that should return
# something even if the field is not set (i.e. Base Type object
# was not migrated yet)
type_class = portal_type.getTypeClass()
# But no such getter exist for Mixins and Interfaces:
# in reality, we can live with such a failure
mixin_list = portal_type.getTypeMixinList()
interface_list = portal_type.getTypeInterfaceList()
# log loudly the error, but it's not _critical_
LOG("ERP5Type.Dynamic", ERROR,
"Could not load interfaces or Mixins for portal type %s" \
% portal_type)
if type_class is not None:
type_class = document_class_registry.get(type_class)
if type_class is None:
raise AttributeError('Document class is not defined on Portal Type %s' % portal_type_name)
mixin_path_list = []
if mixin_list:
mixin_path_list = map(mixin_class_registry.__getitem__, mixin_list)
# XXX initialize interfaces here too
# XXX adding accesor_holder for property sheets should be done here
classpath_list = [type_class] + mixin_path_list
baseclasses = map(_import_class, classpath_list)
#LOG("ERP5Type.Dynamic", BLATHER,
# "Portal type %s loaded with bases %s" \
# % (portal_type_name, repr(baseclasses)))
return tuple(baseclasses), dict(portal_type=portal_type_name)
def initializeDynamicModules():
Create erp5 module and its submodules
holds portal type classes
holds portal type classes for temp objects
holds document classes that have no physical import path,
for example classes created through ClassTool that are in
def portal_type_loader(portal_type_name):
Returns a lazily-loaded "portal-type as a class"
return lazyclass.lazyclass(portal_type_name, portal_type_factory)
erp5 = ModuleType("erp5")
sys.modules["erp5"] = erp5
erp5.document = ModuleType("erp5.document")
sys.modules["erp5.document"] = erp5.document
portal_type_container = dynamicmodule.dynamicmodule('erp5.portal_type',
erp5.portal_type = portal_type_container
def temp_portal_type_loader(portal_type_name):
Returns a class suitable for a temporary portal type
This class will in fact be a subclass of, which
means that loading an attribute on this temporary portal type loads
the lazily-loaded parent class, and that any changes on the parent
class will be reflected on the temporary objects.
klass = getattr(portal_type_container, portal_type_name)
from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor.Constant import PropertyGetter as \
class TempDocument(klass):
isTempDocument = PropertyConstantGetter('isTempDocument', value=True)
__roles__ = None
TempDocument.__name__ = "Temp" + portal_type_name
# Replace some attributes.
for name in ('isIndexable', 'reindexObject', 'recursiveReindexObject',
'activate', 'setUid', 'setTitle', 'getTitle', 'getUid'):
setattr(TempDocument, name, getattr(klass, '_temp_%s' % name))
# Make some methods public.
for method_id in ('reindexObject', 'recursiveReindexObject',
'activate', 'setUid', 'setTitle', 'getTitle',
'edit', 'setProperty', 'getUid', 'setCriterion',
setattr(TempDocument, '%s__roles__' % method_id, None)
return TempDocument
erp5.temp_portal_type = dynamicmodule.dynamicmodule('erp5.temp_portal_type',
from ExtensionClass import Base as ExtensionBase
def resetDynamicDocuments(context, slave=False): def resetDynamicDocuments(context, slave=False):
""" """
Allow resetting all classes to ghost state, most likely done after Allow resetting all classes to ghost state, most likely done after
...@@ -9,5 +177,23 @@ def resetDynamicDocuments(context, slave=False): ...@@ -9,5 +177,23 @@ def resetDynamicDocuments(context, slave=False):
to invalidate them globally should set slave=True. to invalidate them globally should set slave=True.
""" """
LOG("ERP5Type.Dynamic", 0, "Resetting dynamic classes") LOG("ERP5Type.Dynamic", 0, "Resetting dynamic classes")
# stub return # XXX disabled for now
return import erp5.portal_type
for class_name, klass in inspect.getmembers(erp5.portal_type, inspect.isclass):
ghostbase = getattr(klass, '__ghostbase__', None)
if ghostbase is not None:
for attr in klass.__dict__.keys():
if attr != '__module__':
delattr(klass, attr)
klass.__bases__ = ghostbase
type(ExtensionBase).__init__(klass, klass)
if not slave:
# hard invalidation to force sync between nodes
portal = context.getPortalObject()
cookie = getattr(portal, '_dynamic_class_cookie', None)
if cookie is not None:
cookie.value += 1
portal._dynamic_class_cookie = ZODBCookie()
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