Commit e941c02d authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

Remove trailing whitespaces and empty lines

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent bcce0fec
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
# +(0)1-11111111/111" or +(0)1-11111111/ or +(0)1-11111111
"\+\(0\)(?P<area>\d+)\-(?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
# Missing Country and Area
# Missing Country and Area
# +(0)-11111111/111" or +(0)-11111111/ or +(0)-11111111
"\+\(0\)\-(?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
......@@ -125,20 +125,20 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
# This regex is to handle two inputs very similar
# but with different behavior
# 111 11 11/111 or 111 11 11 or 111 11 11
# 111 11 11/111 or 111 11 11 or 111 11 11
# will result in {'area':'', 'number':'111 11 11', 'ext':'111 or empty'}
# 111-11 11/111 or 111-11 11 or 111-11 11
# will result in {'area':'111', 'number':'11 11', 'ext':'111 or empty'}
# 111-11 11/111 or 111-11 11 or 111-11 11
# will result in {'area':'111', 'number':'11 11', 'ext':'111 or empty'}
"^(?:0)?((?P<area>\d+)-)?(?P<number>[\d\-\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
# Area, Number, Extension*
# It is a common input in France
# It is a common input in France
# and in Japan but with different behavior.
# 011-111-1111/111 or 011-111-1111/ or 011-111-1111
# will result in {'area':'11', 'number':'111-1111', \
# 'ext':'111 or empty'} <= France
# will result in {'area':'011', 'number':'111-1111',
# will result in {'area':'011', 'number':'111-1111',
# 'ext':'111 or empty'} <= Japan
# so we have here two regex:
# To France: "^0(?P<area>\d+)-(?P<number>[\d\-\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
......@@ -148,14 +148,14 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
# Area, Number, Extension*
# It is a common input in France and in Japan but with different behavior.
# 011(111)1111/111 or 011(111)1111/ or 011(111)1111
# will result in {'area':'11', 'number':'111)1111',
# will result in {'area':'11', 'number':'111)1111',
# 'ext':'111 or empty'} <= France
# will result in {'area':'011', 'number':'111)1111',
# will result in {'area':'011', 'number':'111)1111',
# 'ext':'111 or empty'} <= Japan
# so we have here two regex:
#To France:
#To France:
# "^0(?P<area>\d+)\((?P<number>[\d\)\(\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
#To Japan:
#To Japan:
# "^(?P<area>\d+)\((?P<number>[\d\)\(\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
"^0(?P<area>\d+)\((?P<number>[\d\)\(\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
# Missing country
# 111/111-1111/111 or 111/111-1111/ or 111/111-1111
"(?P<area>\d+)\/(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
# Country, area, number, extension*
# Hyphen between country and area.
# +11-1 11 11 01 11/111 or +11-1 11 11 01 11/ or +11-1 11 11 01 11
......@@ -230,21 +230,21 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
# + (111) 111-111/111 or + (111) 111-111/ or + (111) 111-111
"\+(?P<spaces>[\ ]*)\((?P<country>\d+)\)\ (?P<number>[\d\ \-\.]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)"
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'fromText')
def fromText(self, coordinate_text):
""" See ICoordinate.fromText """
method = self._getTypeBasedMethod('fromText')
if method is not None:
return method(text=coordinate_text)
if coordinate_text is None:
coordinate_text = ''
# Removing the spaces of the begin and end.
coordinate_text = str(coordinate_text).strip()
# This regexp get the coordinate text
# This regexp get the coordinate text
# and extract number and letters
input_regex_without_markup = '[0-9A-Za-z]'
input_without_markup = ''.join(re.findall(input_regex_without_markup,\
......@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
from zLOG import LOG, WARNING
msg = "Doesn't exist a regex to handle this telephone: ", \
LOG('Telephone.fromText', WARNING, msg)
LOG('Telephone.fromText', WARNING, msg)
number_dict = {'number' : input_without_markup}
number_dict = {'number' : coordinate_text}
......@@ -279,9 +279,10 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
(extension in ['', None])):
country = area = city = number = extension = ''
# Trying to get the country and area from dict,
# Trying to get the country and area from dict,
# but if it fails must be get from preference
preference_tool = self.portal_preferences
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
if country in ['', None]:
country = preference_tool.getPreferredTelephoneDefaultCountryNumber('')
if area in ['', None]:
......@@ -304,9 +305,9 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
self.edit(telephone_country = country,
telephone_area = area,
telephone_city = city,
telephone_number = number,
telephone_number = number,
telephone_extension = extension)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, '_setText')
_setText = fromText
......@@ -318,20 +319,20 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
script = self._getTypeBasedMethod('asText')
if script is not None:
return script()
country = self.getTelephoneCountry('')
area = self.getTelephoneArea('')
city = self.getTelephoneCity('')
number = self.getTelephoneNumber('')
extension = self.getTelephoneExtension('')
# If country, area, number, extension are blank
# If country, area, number, extension are blank
# the method should to return blank.
if ((country == '') and \
(area == '') and \
(city == '') and \
(number == '') and \
(extension == '')):
(extension == '')):
return ''
# Define the notation
......@@ -341,7 +342,7 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
notation = notation.replace('<area>',area)
if city == "":
notation = notation.replace('<city>-', '')
notation = notation.replace('<city>',city)
notation = notation.replace('<number>',number)
notation = notation.replace('<ext>',extension)
......@@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
telephone_area = self.getTelephoneArea()
if telephone_area is not None:
url_string += telephone_area
telephone_city = self.getTelephoneCity()
if telephone_city is not None:
url_string += telephone_city
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